chapter 2

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Aelin mostly kept to her room and the library. She read from when she opened her eyes in the morning, to when she closed them at night. She read the history of Prythian and its culture. What struck out to her was the Autumn Court. The high lord had fire powers like hers. And Day Court? Their Highlord had air powers. Tamlin reminded her of Lysandra. Aelin always got sidetracked when she thought of Rowan. She knew in her heart that one day she would die and Rowan would keep living. She wasn't immortal. But now it felt as if it was Rowan that was dead. She didn't realize she was crying until Tamlin sat in front of her in the library. "Why are you crying?" He asked, a forced softness to his tone.
Aelin wiped her cheek. "I... Uh.. Nothing..." She cleared her throat. "I've got questions for you." She said, back to business. "Why does this place look abandoned?"
"There's a disease on the land," Tamlin said, that mask definitely not looking comfortable. "It's called the Blight."
"And you're infected?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.
"Anyone with magic is." He said. Tamlin didn't know that she had magic. She had dismissed her servants, Alis. She couldn't know that she had fae ears. Too many questions. But that didn't change the fact that without training, her magic could spiral out of control.
"And what does the Blight do to people's magic?"
"It causes it to act differently. Any magic I can do is on a minuscule scale."
Aelin debated adding a joke but she needed answers.
There was a pause in their conversation.
"You don't miss your family?" Tamlin asked. Family? She just played along.
"Yeah, I do." She said, thinking of Rowan, Aedion, chaol, lysandra and Dorian. She missed them all. But she was dead, right? If this was another life, why does she remember them?
"You didn't put up much of a fight when I-"
"Kidnapped me?" She offered, smugly.
"No!" He growled. "Rules are rules. You killed that wolf and your life is mine."
Aelin chuckled. "Funny, I don't remember reading those rules in any of the books in this library and I've gone through a considerable amount. Point to which book that's in, Tamlin."
He growled again. She merely laughed. "I'd like my dinner up here please. And Tamlin?" She stood up and gave him one last gaze. He looked back at her, his eyes irresistible. "I don't belong to you. I don't belong to anyone."


When Aelin woke up, a week later, she was awoken by Alis, opening the blinds in her room. Aelin jumped to her feet, ready to hold her ground before she even brushed her hair.
"Calm down, girl." Alis said, making her way around her room.
"Alis, I can dress myself, thank you." Aelin said. "Hey, I've got a question. Are there like any stores around here? Bakeries? Clothing stores?" She asked, going to the dresser first.
"Not unless you accompany Lord Tamlin on his.. Expeditions. There isn't much around here. Why do you ask?"
Aelin groaned inwardly. Is she in heaven or hell, exactly? No shopping?!
"just getting bored out of my mind." She said, taking off her shirt with her back to Alis. Her lips curled to one side when she heard the gasp.
"Child, your back!" Aelin could imagine Alis frozen in shock.
"Oh, you should see the other guy. What are these expeditions you speak of." Aelin purred, putting on a simple dress with gold designs. Leaving her hair down and making last preparations.

"uh.. Just checking up on people and whatnot. Sometimes there are attacks on the villagers."

"Because of the blight? Well I'm not infected, why can't i go alone?"

"Really, it's not up to me."

She sauntered past Alis and found the dining room on her own.

Sitting down, she looked at both men, smiling sweetly.
"So, listen, Aelin-" Lucien started. "You should probably stay inside tonight. In your room." He said, his metal eye assessing her.
"I'd rather not." She said, staring back. "What happened to your eye?"
"The blight." Lucien answered immediately.
Aelin frowned. "That.. Doesn't make sense..."
Tamlin cut in, "Aelin, Seriously you should stay in today. And lock your door."
"Tamlin, you seriously need to stop telling me what to do. What's the big deal anyway?" She asked, digging in.
"It's this ceremony," Lucien started, looking at Aelin. "It's not important actually."
"Great, if its not important, i'd rather not stay home. So, Lucien? Can I call you Lu-Lu?" She purred, giving him a sly smile as he choked on his food. Aelin laughed, taking delight in messing with him.
Tamlin looked between them, "what would you call me, Aelin?" He asked, trying to flirt.
"A condescending pain in the ass." She deadpanned, not understanding why he was trying too hard. Lucien had to stand up. Tamlin set his jaw, taking obvious deep breaths. "I don't want to stay here today. I'm sure there's somewhere we can go." She said, extending a hand for Lucien to help her up. It took him a few minutes to catch on but he gave her his hand. Aelin pressed a thumb against his wrist, feeling his strong pulse. And when they stood close she could hear it. But she didn't hear Tamlins.
"Yeah, sure." Tamlin said, standing up.


They rode on horses- though Tamlin just had to say that with his full powers he wouldn't need horses. When they got there, it was... Beautiful. The land was full of greens and flowers, and there was a river.
The river was another thing to behold. It was almost like silver water, reflecting the morning sky. "It's... Wow..." she muttered. Though she didn't say that if he really wanted to impress her, all he would have to do would be to take her shopping. Or get her a pianoforte. Or go to a music show. It was a nice gesture, and frankly she didn't care about him.
"Let's go swimming?" He asked, standing close to her. She raised an eyebrow, smirking. The image arose of her carranam not asking for her assistance as he pushed this condescending beast off a cliff.
Wait. Rowan was her carranam. She should feel the bond between them. If she was using her powers, it was stronger. Unless she was dead.
"Sure." She said, shrugging. "Why not."
Aelin took off her gold dress, having dressed only in thought of Rowan.
"By the cauldron." Tamlin said, spotting her back. He approached and slid a finger down one of her scars. She whirled around, catching his hand. Even in her undergarments, she was intimidating.
"Who did that to you? Your family? And who are those people you named?" He asked, referring to the tattoo.
"You can read it? It's an old language." She murmured, letting go of her hand, trying to think.
"No, it's not that old." He said, baffled. But it was hard to read his expression with the mask.
What the hell was going on?

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