chapter 9

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Everyone in the room was frozen, that was until Tamlin took Feyre and winnowed out of the room. Aelin could only understand what it was like for Feyre to leave her dying mate. However, she didnt at all understand how her own mate was alive- with a mission to assassinate all of them. Dorian still had her tackled to the ground, and everyone was at a standstill. The only sound was the sound of Rhysands groaned whimpers in pain.

"we have to get him to the cauldren, thats his only hope," Aelin murmured to Dorian, "you guys hold Rowan off I'll get rhysand to the cauldren," she added. Dorian nodded, springing off of her- magic ready in one hand and a sword in the other. She realized that sometimes she underestimated him.

Aelin crawled back to Rhysand, using the waterdrop of healing magic from her Mother to help with Rhysand's wound as she picked him up. The King of Hybern stood from his- rather ugly- throne and advanced straight for Aelin. Rhys's inner circle jumped into battle in front of them, holding him off so she can get Rhys to the cauldren. She threw a wall of fire around the two of them, the heat never bothering her. The fire was mesmorizing to look at, and it was a force even for the blood-thirsty king. Rhysand was admittedly a little heavy to move with but she got him to the cauldren and pushed him in- praying to the gods, even her aunt that he wouldnt be under the same mind control her mate was under. The cauldren shook with its magic and the water glowed eerie colors. Rhysand crawled back out, with a look that could kill.

Aelin's fire simmered down until it disappearered, and she held up her sword, ready to fight him if need be. But Rhysand only gave her a look of thanks before joining the fight against the King. With a sigh of relief she jumped into the battle with Dorian, fighting off Rowan. She tugged on their bond, feeling it weaker than before but at least it was still there. "Just knock him out and take him with us," Dorian said, over the sound of clanging swords and colorful swears all aroud the room.

"I think so," Aelin murmured, and it pained her to, but she kicked Rowan back. He'd most likely understand later, "if Rhysand isnt brainwashed, I think we can get him back too," she said.

Retreat, Rhysand said in their heads. Cassian and Azriel were the first to back up and disappear- Aelin let Rowan tackle her to the ground, her heart beatinf frantically with the fear that she would lose her loved one again. She wondered if he would hurt her. His growl was set on his face- the elongated teeth visible. He pulled back a hand, sword ready to strike.

"Rowan," she whispered, catching his forearm as he struck.

A crack sounded and Rowan collapsed on top of her, Dorian above him with the hilt of his sword poised above his head. "Do me a favor and dont tell him about this, he'll be grumpy for a week," Aelin murmured, needing Dorians help with carrying him.

Amren, Mor and Rhysand together were almost a match for the King, and when he realized that, he vanished into thin air, allowing everyone to escape with their lives, and to be winnowed out and back to Velaris.


The house they returned to was starting to get crowded. Feyre's sisters each had a room- that they weren't likely to come out of for a while. Aelin was starting to figure Rhysand out, what was his charade, and what was his true self. When he thought no one was looking, it was clear as day how much he missed Feyre. It was written all over his face, and it was an expression she had more than her fair share of. Cassian was complaining of his sore limbs, which was obviously a charade to keep him from running after Feyre's sister. The older one with difiance in her eyes.

"Shut up already, Cass," Mor groaned, "it could be a lot worse."

"Oh yeah? how?" he asked, shooting her a look.

"you could be stripped naked and whipped and put in an iron coffin," Aelin murmured, looking at her unconcious mate who was tied up in a chair. "How do we- I mean, what do we do about him?" she asked, pointing to Rowan.

"No idea," Dorian murmured from his chair. "Aelin I think that we should go back to our world. Maeve is still looking for the Wyrd keys and Perrington still after your Kingdom. Not to mention- you just had a baby!"

"Technically, he did too," she said, dismissing what Dorian was saying. Sure, there was still a threat in their world, but she already knew how to solve that. She had to die to destroy the Wyrd keys. They didnt even have those in their possessions.

"You have your mate back, no one would blame you if you left," Rhysand said, looking over at them.

"it isnt exactly that simple," she said, realizing that a part of her didnt want to go back and deal with Maeve. She was scared to. Even their king here didnt seem so bad. "In our world, we need to find these Wryd keys before she does-"

"We're in the past," Dorian interrupted, standing up, "shouldnt all the wyrd keys be here then?" he asked.

Aelin's eyes widened, knowing he had a point. "It could still take months to find them. I dont suppose youd know anything about that?" she asked Rhysand.

He shook his head, "we could go back to the bone carver and ask. or maybe a suriel."

"Suriel would be easier, wouldnt it?" Mor asked.

"we can also ask her- it? what to do about Rowan," Dorian said, shrugging slightly.

Rhys nodded, "well, we still have a war to fight so we'll help in any way we can."
Almost at the sound of his name, Rowan let out a small groan, his head tilting this wand and that before he finally looked up at her. He growled at Aelin, his elongated teeth showing. Aelin frowned with stubbornness. It pained her not to be able to touch her mate- the father of her child. She sighed, "Rowan, snap out of it," she demanded. It only made him growl more.
"We should just restrain him for now," rhysand said, feeling sorry for her.
It was a tough call. She didn't want to treat him like an animal but she knew he can act like it sometimes. So she nodded, "Yeah we should," she said.
Rhysand made rope appear, which had small amounts or iron so that it could render him powerless for now. Except when rhysand reached down to bind his wrists, Rowan growled up at him, the chair he was bound to splintering as he used his massive strength to liberate himself. Aelin gasped softly. Rowan's pine green snapped over to her, and he lounged at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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