Chapter. 1

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Emily's PoV

"IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOO" me and Mya screamed as we pulled up to Starbucks. I know I know basic b****es but it's so good. Once the car was parked up we got out and walked inside. The line wasn't that long for a change so we lined up. I mean it was like 5pm. After a few minutes of waiting in line it was our turn to order.
"Um can I have a caramel frappucinno" I asked the person
"And I'll have a Java chip frappucinno"
"OK that's $6.23 (I don't know how much it costs irl)"
"I'll pay as a birthday treat although it's in two days time"Mya said
"and what are your names"
"Emily and Mya"
We walked to the tables looking for a place to sit we found a table by the window and sat down. As soon as we did our names were called. "I'll get them" Mya said standing up "ok" I said.

When Mya came back with the drinks a girl bumped into her. She looked like an actual sl*t. She had VERY fake hair like so fake, it looked like she slammed her face into a cake, and her clothes do not get me started on her clothes. She had a crop top which was actually a bra and her underwear oops i mean shorts well it was just no. "ugh watch were your going like really watch were your going" the fake said. "Excuse me, you bumped into me" Mya said "Ugh whatever sl*t" fake said "Mya's the sl*t? More like your the slut. Your actually wearing a bra and underwear in public and all you did was smash a cake into your face so shes definitely the sl*t" I said defending Mya the whole place went silent "at least her hair is natural and doesn't look like a four year old splashed bleach onto it" I said adding on to what I said before. Everyone started clapping and stuff like that. She looked so embarrassed.

"Omg that was amazing Em" Mya said on the way back home
"Thank you and oh my god did you see her face" I said laughing along with her. "Wheres the aux cord" Mya said searching "um try by the cupholders" I said "oh found it" Mya said.

*Just before their house* ____🚗____*

"Have I showed you what Cameron Dallas looks like yet" I asked Mya.
"Probably" replied Mya "well if not then I have 'cause I mean GOD DAMN he's hoooottt" I said to her getting out of the car with her. I locked the car and walked inside with her. "Why is it so dark" I said turning the lights on "SURPRISE" a bunch of people screamed "AHHHHH" I screamed.

After saying hi to everyone. They sat down in the lounge wherever there was space. People started giving me gifts. "Aww thank you West" I said after opening her present which was a pug T-shirt. I only had Myas presents left to open. First she gave me a birthday card with $10 inside. Then she gave me a bag with an outfit inside. I pulled it out of the bag and there was a pair of ripped leggings, a pair of black converse and a red Magcon T-shirt and a Cameron Dallas hoodie "Umm ok I guess" I said to Mya "unfold the T-Shirt" Mya said. I did as I was told and as I did two VIP tickets to Magcon fell out "OMG is this real" I said almost crying "Yes it is, I would never lie about something like this" Mya said reassuring me "OMFG IM GOING TO MEET MAGCON AHHHHH IM GOING TO MEET MATTHEW CAMERON NASH CART-" I screamed "Stop yelling" Mya said cutting me off "but but I'm going to meet my idols" I said so happy.

After cleaning up the mess we caused we said goodbye to everyone. I showed Mya pictures of Magcon and each member individually and it turns out she watches some of their vines. after that we ate then went up to bed.

While I was in bed I couldn't stop thinking about the tickets of course I was going to take Mya I mean I live with her and shes my best friend. I could not stop smiling the event was on the day of my birthday also to get in front of the stage we would have to get their early. And with Magcon stuck in my head I drifted of to sleep.

So the first chapter what u guys think? So I have a plan for the event and I need to write it down before I forget

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