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Emily's PoV

Let me introduce myself. I live in Chino Hills, I am a virgo. I was born on June 19th.I have long dark brown hair naturally but I dyed it to a lighter brown. I have hazel eyes and I sometimes need glasses for reading. I have a black lip ring and I'm average weight and I'm about 5'5/5'6 so a little over average and I'm 17. I am in love with this event called Magcon which stands for meet and greet convention. I LOVE all of the members and I've wanted to go since I found out about it. I listen to stuff like 5sos, P!ATD, TØP, and watch TWD. I also pennyboard and I can longboard, rollerblade, skate and more stuff. So that's about it.

Oops I forgot about my best friend Mya. Shes the same height as me and a little lighter she has dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes (like Nash's) she doesn't have any piercings. She pennyboards and she also longboards she loves all the same things as me apart from Magcon she doesn't like them. But I will try to change that. An that's Mya's and mine introduction.

So what you guys think?

Ages for Magcon

Hayes 13
Carter 17
Brent 16
Aaron 15
Cam 17
Nash 16
Shawn 16
Dillon 17
Matthew 16
Nate (Skate) 17
Jacob (Whiteside) 15
Sammy 17
Mahogany 18
Jack G 16
Jack J 17
Taylor 17
The ages aren't the exact ages they were at the time but this is the age I wanted them to be

Yes I'm going to finally make a Magcon fanfic and I have an Idea for at the event I hope it's a good idea.


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