Chapter. 3

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Emily PoV

Today's the day we have Magcon. I went and woke up Mya. "Myaaaa wake upppp" I said dragging the words out. "Five more minutes" Mya said turning over and going further under the covers.
"No Mya we have to get up now because we have Magcon today" I said pulling the covers of off her. "Fine" she said getting up. I left her room and went back to mine.

I got out my outfit (below)and put it on.

After making sure it looked perfect I brushed through my tangled hair and put it up into a waterfall braid

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After making sure it looked perfect I brushed through my tangled hair and put it up into a waterfall braid. I sat down at my dresser and got out my makeup. (below)

After finally getting my nails perfect I went down stairs and made some breakfast for me and Mya

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After finally getting my nails perfect I went down stairs and made some breakfast for me and Mya.

Myas PoV

I got up from the bed, I checked the time and realised it was 7 in the morning "ughhh it's to early" I said to myself and went to my closet. I picked out an outfit (below)

I LOVE Shawn Mendes so I made sure I was wearing my Shawn Mendes merch

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I LOVE Shawn Mendes so I made sure I was wearing my Shawn Mendes merch. After making sure everything was perfect I went downstairs and sat at the table. Emily handed me a plate of bacon and eggs and sat down aswell. We finished our food and Emily washed them and put them away.

Emily's PoV

I just finished washing the dishes and looked at the time to find it was 8 o'clock. Magcon started at 1 so we had 5 hours until it started. I decided we should probably get leaving as it takes about an hour. "Mya get your stuff together we are leaving in about, hmmm 10 minutes maybe?" "Kay Ems" Mya said back. Mya went to get her things well I went to get mine.

I picked up my backpack and made sure I had everything:

Poster- check
Money- check
Fan art and letters- check
Things for them to sign- check
Camera incase phone dies- check
Phone charger- no,
"MYA WERE IS THE CHARGER??!!?" I shouted to her.

"TRY IN THE LOUNGE" Mya shouted back

"KAY" I shouted to her.

I went to lounge to find it. I picked it up and put it in my backpack.

Footsteps came down the stairs and Mya appeared by the front door with her home-made Magcon bag.

"Nice bag" I said to her.

"Thanks babes" Mya said doing a funny voice.

We both bursted into a fit of giggles.

"We should probably get going now" I said trying to calm down. "Yeah you're right" a bright red Mya said.

We went out the door and I locked it and we both went to the car. I unlocked it and got in the driver's seat while Mya got in the passenger side.

To be continued next time......

Sorry I never uploaded a new chapter for ages I actually forgot to upload and i didn't know how to write the chapter either. Sorry it long overdue.

Sorry it sucks
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