Chapter. 4

11 0 7

(song isn't necessary to listen to but I still added it)
Emily's PoV

We arrived at the event after blasting the vamps, (Myas request) 5sos and everything else we were finally here. Mya brought a jacket with her. I asked why becuase she already had a sweatshirt on and she said becuase it was Matthew's.


"Calm down Em" Mya said to me. "Fine I'll try to hehe"

We made sure we were here early to be close to front in line and cliché enough, we were first in line.

*Time skip to a few mins before show starts*

Myas PoV

So the doors are about to open and Em is going to literally explode but I can kinda understand. Just so you know I am not crazy about Magcon but I like a few members.

"I'm so hungryyyy" I complained
"I have snacks in my backpack and you can have some" Em said to me.
"Thanks Em"

I grabbed a snack from the back pack and pulled it out to find it was a cereal bar. I opened it and took a bite, yum.

Emily's PoV (sorry for the pov changes)

Security came to the door and opened it. Me and Mya ran in with people following behind. We got to the front of the barrier which was awesome!!! Music started playing and we heard voices speaking through microphones

"Who is exited for magcon?" Taylor shouted into the mic.  And well, everyone started screening. Including me. Hehe ooops.

One by one everyone came onto the stage. Last to come on was Matthew. He instantly spotted Mya in the crowd and stared at her. Mya on the other hand was staring at Shawn.

*Skip about 20 mins*

The event has been on for about twenty minutes now and the two girls behind us kept hitting our backs, trying to get us to move. Like hell are we moving.

"Move, I need to see my boyfriend Matthew" The girl said, pushing me. She had probably the most highest voice ever. It was almost as fake as her face. Plus, Matt never had a girlfriend.

We ignored her like normal people would.

She left us alone for awhile becuase security kept watching. Thank god. The first group got called for photos, making security turn their attention. She took this opportunity to push us out of the way, and going up to the barrier.

"So the s*uts finally moved then" her minion snickered. Once again fake as all hell voice.

Mya tapped her shoulder and said, "um sorry we were here, not you" politely and how a normal person would. "Don't touch me you wh*re, who knows where those hands have been" B*tch one said.

"Mya, she's not worth it, at least we can still see the stage" I said to her, knowing a fight was gonna happen. "Yeah you're right Ems, that fake ass b*tchy wh*re isn't worth it".

Taylor, Shawn and Mahogany were on stage dancing. Well whatever you call it. More messing around. The caked-face fakes in front of us were jumping around. Which is normal. But then one of the girls, with her heels she purposely jumped on the person who accidentally touched them, toes. Oww that sh*t would hurt.

Somehow security saw and sent her and her 'friends' to the back of the room. Death glares were thrown, ignored obviously.

*Time skip 10 mins*

Mya's PoV

Everybody was on stage now, and everyone (including the crowd) was dancing and screaming. Shawn was in the middle of singing when out of the corner of my eye, I saw the main fake from the girls earlier pull out what looked like something shiny. Shiny = sharp. Oh hell no.

In a matter of seconds, Emily was screaming in pain and everyone was silent. I rushed over to Emily's side and screamed help. Security jumped over the barrier, and grabbed the girls and Shawn, Cam, Matt and Aaron came and picked up Emily, who passed out by the way, and carried who to the back room. Cam and Aaron went on stage and said goodbye and how it has to end early and they were sorry etc.

Everyone who is on Magcon is watching Ems. Mahogany called an ambulance. Hope it gets here soon.

My mind was full of thoughts of me beating up those fakes and making them never walk again. Tears were still streaming down my face. Shawn pulled me into a hug comforting me.

"Hey shh it's okay. The ambulance is coming" Shawn spoke in a comforting way, helping to calm me down. "But she's my best friend" Matt gave death glares to Shawn, what's his problem?

Ooo drama!
Yeah I don't really know where to end this. But that happened so yeah.

Also, I uploaded!! You proud? thevibeclub ???

Crappy chapter I know. Sorry.
Thanks for reading this horrible chapter :).
Comment, vote etc.
~ Caden ❤💛💚💙💜

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