Red Truck

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Dani's P.O.V

The next day I couldn't focus in school. Ally and Troye kept trying to get me to tell them what was wrong, but I didn't want to talk about the events that unfolded last night. I couldn't get much sleep either.

After school, Christina came and got me. She had someone in the car with her that I didn't notice.

"Oh, Dani this is Normani. Normani this is my younger sister Dani."

"Hello Dani, nice to meet you," said the woman in the front seat.

"Hi. Nice to meet you too. I'm not trying to be rude, but who are you exactly?"

"She's my friend Dan. Relax, I was just giving her a ride home," Christina chuckled.

"Yeah. We went out and had lunch, just to catch up a bit. I've been out of town for awhile so it was nice... catching up with your sister," said Normani as she slid her hand on to Christina's thigh.

Christina smirked and cleared her throat, but kept her eyes on the road. I grew uncomfortable being in the car with the two of them. Between them, the silence was comfortable. Between all of us, it wasn't. Christina pulled up to a small brick red house and the woman leaned over and hugged her. She said something in her ear that I couldn't hear before she slid out of the car.  As she walked away, I found myself staring at her glowing brown skin and dont get me started on that walk! This woman has the body of a freaking goddess!

"Get in the front seat kid," Christina snapped at me. I smacked my lips and climbed in the front seat, leaving my backpack in the back.

Christina was still grinning as she pulled away from the curb. Wow, must've been some lunch.

"So how was lunch with your "friend" Chris?" asked Katherine putting up air quotations.

We were all sitting in the living room, doing our own thing. Lauren was talking quietly to Jade. Amy was on her phone. Lisa just stared out into space. I sat on the floor and watched Jade's every move. I knew she had something to do with Charles death, but I had no proof. I needed proof.

"Mind your business four eyes," Christina shot back at Katherine who just chuckled angrily and adjusted her glasses on her face.

Katherine went back to her book and Christina started texting someone. Probably her "friend."

It wasn't too long before Jade announced she had to leave. We all said our goodbyes and she left. One by one we made our way to our rooms and called it a night.

Lauren's P.O.V

I woke up when I heard a noise coming from outside. I looked over at Dani and she was still asleep.

"What the hell was that?" I whispered to myself as I climbed out of my bed.

I tiptoed into the hallway and Amy was sitting on the stairs, holding a metal bat.

"I heard something. I think it's coming from outside," she whispered without looking at me.

"I'm gonna go see what it is."

"No, wake Christina and Katherine up first."

"What are they gonna do Amy?"

"Well they're the oldest ones."

"And? Come on lets just go ourselves."

"Hell. No. I'm gonna go get Chris."

Any handed me the bat and went to Kath and Chris's room. I didn't want to wait. What if someone was trying to break into our house? I slowly crept down the stairs and went into the living room. I turned a light on and right then, I heard someone running away from the side of the house. I ran to the front door and struggled with the lock before I swung the door open and ran outside with the bat. I looked around and I didn't see anyone. I turned to see a sleepy Christina behind me and a scared looking Amy.

"There's isn't anyone out here," I told them as they stepped on to the porch.

"Wait, did one of you guys leave the garage door unlocked?" asked Amy.

Both Christina and I shook our heads no before we stepped off of the porch to see the garage door open a little bit. It was open enough for a small person to slide under it.

Christina snatched the bat from me and told me to stay where I was before she lifted the garage door open some more. She flicked the light switch on and when she did, she dropped the bat in shock.

"What the fuck?" I heard her say from inside the garage.

Amy and I ran inside and stopped in our tracks when we saw Christina's truck. The tires were slashed and there was key marks all over the side of the car. It also looked like someone had tried to strip paint from the car. There were dents all over the truck as well. Christina walked around the car holding her head in shock.

"Amy, go get my keys," she said calmly. A little too calm if you ask me.

Amy ran to get the keys and when she came back, Christina unlocked the car door and tried to start it. It only clicked and that was it. I stood by the door and Amy stood right next to me, wondering what Chris was going to do about her truck. She calmly and quietly slid out of the car, closed the door and walked up to us.


"Just go back to bed. I'm gonna try and see if I can figure out what's wrong with her," Christina said quietly while pointing at her truck.

Katherine, Lisa, and Dani came downstairs and Amy and I explained what happened. We all decided we would try to deal with it in the morning.

I went back upstairs and as soon as I closed my bedroom door, I heard a loud crash come from the garage. I thought about going downstairs to try and calm Chris down but, I didn't want to be a target. I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. First Charles, now her truck. What was next? Who was next?
I snuck Mani in there; not the last you gone see of her either. This chapter was a little boring but I hope you liked it regardless. The next chapter is going to focus more on Dauren.  If ya did like it, you know what to do, Peace ✌✌

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