Sneak Peak/Preview: The stories are true

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"Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop."

- Henry Mencken


My baby sister screamed at the top of her lungs as my parents continued to argue. They were like this all the time now, ever since Kelly was born, things haven't been the same.

I was beginning to be fed up of their arguments, and even at the young age of twelve I knew it was wrong. I sighed as I stood up, someone had to sort Kelly out and if her own parents weren't going to bother, I'd have too.

She stopped crying as soon as I walked in, she was only small; barley the size of my arm and I loved her to bits. I sat in the corner of my room cuddling Kelly and holding her tightly. If our parents weren't going to show her the love she deserved I would and I would do the best possible job to show her that I care.

She slowly went to sleep, but I just sat there waiting for my parent's argument to stop- they didn't. Not for the whole night. So I ended up falling to sleep with my small sister in my arms.

When I woke up Kelly was still asleep, and I put her in her cot, my parents weren't fighting anymore, so I went downstairs to find my dad. Downstairs was empty and I wasn't going to bother waking them up; they'd only start shouting again.

I walked into the kitchen and poured myself some of dads' whiskey. I know it was bad, but he never noticed and I never drank enough to put myself in danger, but it was a get away from a life full of hatred.

I sighed again and slammed my fist on the table; putting my head in my hands I wondered what life could be like if my family was happy. I remember when we were happy.

I remember when my parents told me countless fairy tales before I fell asleep at night, my particular favorite was about a pack of werewolves; these werewolves were the most feared pack alive, and yet they were the kindest. I remember lying in bed, hearing the stories of how these magical people found their true love and lived happily ever after. I remember my parent's laughter as they would openly enjoy telling their only son stories of which he didn't understand.

I really do love Kelly so much; she has truly made my life better; yes since her birth my parents fight and their relationship is breaking but yet I know the truth of life and it's not like the fairy tales they themselves once told me.

But one day, I was to find out that those stories my parents told me were in fact real. Just that they did not apply to their particular relationship.


Okay! So that's the Sneak peak/Preview! What do you think? I love feedback, positive or negative- if it helps my writing and to improve my story I'll take it!

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