Part Five: Well, that was awkward

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Those who mind don't matter. And those who matter don't mind.
Bernard Baruch


After a long, distressing day I ordered myself to go to sleep; I couldn't wait up for Ryan to come home all night.

With my eyes closed, and my body relaxed I started to think about today's events: I had befriended Ryan as he had given me a tour on the school I was going to in the morning, He had given me a beer- I had drunk it and shouted at him, the dinner was complicated, then I told Ryan about my drinking problems and he had kissed me. Not only that, but I got him so worked up, he turned- into a werewolf.

Also, not only did I have to worry about where Ryan was, it was also school tomorrow and I hated school.

As I've said before, if Ryan is there then I'll have nothing to worry about. If he isn't however, I will be going into a new school alone, and will probably be alone for the rest of my school life; it's how it has always worked- if you don't make friends on the first day of school, it's most likely that you won't for the rest of it.

So in my future, I see myself alone, staring sadly at the werewolf that had once kissed me. However nice staring at Ryan would be, I will not ever have him, because I'm a sad little boy and because I'm a sad little boy I'll be alone, what a vicious circle.

With my worrying done, as I couldn't think of anything else to worry about, I let my brain shut down and finally got the sleep my body was craving for.


I felt a hand roughly grab my shoulder, immediately thinking it was Ryan my eyes shot open. Only to leave me feeling a little bit disappointed when I saw my Dads face smiling down at me.

'Frankie, you have to wake up now!' I simply grumbled in response, and then he said something unintelligible and left my room. Leaving me to wake up grouchily; as I'm sure you know now, I'm not a morning person.

My old school didn't have a uniform, so I once again grumbled when I saw a new uniform hanging on the outside of my wardrobe. I slowly and tiredly walked up to the horrid Green suit and took a look at it: I had formal light grey trousers, a white button down shirt, a grey and fern green striped tie, and a fern green blazer which had the school logo and name 'Forest Academy' embroidered onto a small square patch.

'urgh' I muttered to myself as I imagined walking into my new school like that; I'll look absolutely ridiculous.

After I had had a shower and finished my bathroom duties, I walked out of the bathroom wrapped only in Kelly's small pink towel (I had forgotten to take mine with me, and Kelly's was already there) and got dressed into my disguising, sick worthy uniform.

Once I had dragged my body downstairs and walked into the kitchen, Jared handed me a bowl of cereal and carried on talking with my dad. They both seemed pretty happy, so I assumed that Ryan was back.

My mood better, I sat down, and started eating my breakfast, stopping when I noticed Kelly smiling smugly at me out the corner of my eye.

'Frankie, you look stupid' she giggled 'Let me help you' With that, she got out of her chair and walked over to mine, she grabbed my hand and forcibly pulled me up- for a little girl, she was really strong.

She undid my top button, and ruffled my hair when she pushed me back on the chair, she un-tucked my shirt and then proceeded by smiling proudly at her work on me.

'For a three year old, she sure does have a way with fashion' My dad said as Jared chuckled next to him 'seriously' Jared added on the end.

'Thanks' I said shyly, looking at my little sister. She really was something. I looked at my dad then, who smiled at me lovingly.

'Frankie. Let's get to school' I heard Ryan, who was leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen. I span out of my chair and turned to face him, a smile on my face that was making my cheeks ache.

One word, WOW. Ryan looked wow. He made the revolting fern green uniform, well, sexy. I stood there staring at him, and he chuckled awkwardly to break my eye contact. I blushed again.


I grabbed my bag that I had packed last night and followed Ryan to his car. I didn't know what type of car it was, but it was one of those that looked really fast and fancy. It was yellow and shiny; I think it was a lambgoginny? Anyway it was cool.

The car ride to the school was awkward; neither of us said anything, and the uncomfortable tension was so thick, I bet you could slice it with a knife.

We came up to the car park of the familiar school. It looked incredibly different when it was populated with people, before the school looked beautiful yet boring, but it was the people that made this school look as great as it was.

'Thanks, Ryan' I said as I hopped out his car, I felt hundreds of eyes staring at me, and burning holes in my back; I hate being the new boy. I speed walked up the set of stairs I remember held my form room on the third floor. I realised I had completely forgot to get my time table, and didn't know if the was definitely the right room. But I'm pretty sure I remembered correctly.

I put my hand on the door handle and took a deep breath; I opened the room to find it full of people. One person caught my eye and my heart dropped as I realised who it was.

'Frankie' He said, making everyone eyes turn to him.

This was going to be an interesting year.


I'm sorry I haven't uploaded recently, I've had a really important science exam, and have been revising for that none stop. But now it's over, I can continue writing :')

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