Part six: The new school sucks

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6 part 1.

'My name is Frankie. I'm fifteen years old and I like Lady Gaga' I frowned as a couple of people laughed- though my eyes were fixated on the boy at the back of the classroom.  

My shoulders shrank towards the ground as I sped walked towards an empty chair at the back, so close to the boy, I could see him out the corner of my eye. I say I've never told anyone my secret, being gay, but there's always an exception. The boy that sat so close was mine, he was the person I first told, the only person ever to know other than me, in fact he took it well- he became my friend.  

He blatantly took my friendship the wrong way, and he kissed me. He wasn't so happy that I pushed him away; he told the whole school about me. He became popular, whereas I became isolated. It's another reason why we moved, I couldn't handle the name calling. My dad never knew what was wrong, the teachers never found out so neither did my dad, and I certainly wasn't going to tell him, but he knew something wasn't right; so we moved.   

It was a reason for my depression, alcoholism and fears. He made me feel even more hated than I already felt, it was his fault. So I moved. And here he is, in the same school. 

'Frank' the teacher shouted who I had found out was named Mr Johnson 'Are you listening?'  

'No' I mumbled under my breath, he didn't hear me though, or I reckon he just decided to ignore me, so he went on talking about how this New Year was going to happen. Seeing as it was just homeroom, I didn't bother listening; it wasn't like I was going to learn anything.  

'Naughty' I heard a voice in my ear 'Can't keep your mouth closed? Just like the good times' I heard his innuendo, and it made me shiver- out of nervousness. 

'Please, can you just leave me alone?'  

'Mr Evans' Mr Johnson said, trying to sound stern, though his voice quivered in fear- it seems as though Dylan's already made his point 'Can you just sit down' the teacher tried once more, I felt sorry for him really, but then again. He was a bitch.  

Dylan swiftly moved to his seat, not with forgetting an 'I'm sorry' in my ear, he sounded genuine, but not for one second was I going to believe that, I may be stupid, but I'm not blind.  

The teacher carried on talking, and I sighed out off boredom.  

When I heard the bell ring, signalling first period, I rushed out of homeroom as fast as I could; I wanted to get some space between Dylan and I.  

However, I quickly learned that I had in fact not learned where any of my lessons were, because when I was on my private tour, I was too busy staring at Ryan's face. *FacePalm* 

What God would put me in the presence of someone as hot as him? Thought, to be honest, I don't believe in a God, nor do I hate Ryan for being alive. So I guess my statement is invalid.  

I looked up at a clock placed up high on one of the school walls, and if it wasn't for the person that had steadied me, I would most likely have fallen over. I noticed I was five minutes late.  

'You lost?' 

I looked up lost in his dark brown familiar eyes, I didn't like Dylan anymore, but I can appreciate a good looking man when I see one. I shook my head, pulled myself out of his strong, steady embrace and stared once again up at the dark oak clock.  

'I'm not lost' I mumbled. I hadn't been here for long, so know for a fact that Dylan couldn't have been here for any longer than I had been. So he wouldn't be able to show me around anyway.  

'Well certainly am' He said, confirming what I had thought and throwing his arm around my shoulder. And for a second, l laughed along at his pathetic joke. I had forgot about the bully he really is (even just for a moment) in his fake kindness.  

And, once again, pulled away from his arm. The fact that was starting to enjoy his company was beginning to frighten me; had to remember what he did to me.  

'Frankie' I heard a shocked voice say from behind me, for a second didn't realise the voice, but it soon came to me. 

'Ryan' I said simply, letting him know I had acknowledged him.  

'Skipping school already?' he asked, his face full of a wide smirk, but in his eyes, i could sense a bit of uneasiness. He put his arm around my waist, what would normally seem like a suggestive gesture, I instead felt safe.  

Dylan looked between the two of us, and his face sank as if he'd finally realised something he had thought about for years. It wasn't happy.  

He stared at Ryan's hand wrapped tightly around my waist whilst I, without hesitation grabbed Ryan's hand and pulled it closer to my body. It was only a friendly gesture, but Dylan's face warped with burning curiosity and jealousy.  

I smiled at him sweetly. 

'I'm lost' I whispered in Ryan's ear. I had to stand on my tip toes to reach him, and he had to bend down slightly, but I finally managed to reach his ear in the end. 

He chuckled, then pulled me gently to a door down the corridor and pushed me slightly towards it. My next class.  

'There you are Frankie' Ryan whispered in my ear. And with that, he left me standing outside my fist class, but not before giving Dylan a look. Dylan sighed with anger. I laughed.  

Me and Dylan were left to introduce ourselves, I wasn't surprised when he said today was his first day too. 

The teacher was completely fine with our being late, she seemed nice- her name is Miss Lisa.  

So I carried on talking about myself (not giving them too much information) until the teacher said could sit down. 

And for this lesson, which was English, listened quietly whilst being ignored by both the teacher and the rest of the class. But I could feel one stare burning a hole in my back. It was Dylan.


I apologise that this is so short, but just to let you know there will be another part to this chapter. I haven't finished writing it, but thought it's been so long since I last updated I might as well!

I know of about two people that read this, you don't even know how grateful I am that you do. But if anyone else does, I'd like you to leave a comment of what you think!

Thanks so much, please, comment, fan, vote and feedback. 

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