Part Two: Where are we going?

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Hate leaves ugly scars; love leaves beautiful ones.

-Mignon McLaughlin


After a rather embarrassing few hours spent in my room, I decided to just go down stairs.

I had changed into something a little more appropriate: My dark skinny jeans, high top superman converse and my dark green hoodie. Umm, and a cartoon strip top, I little childish (I know) but that's just how I am.

My stomach rumbled as I climbed down the unfortunately massive stair case, telling me that it was probably a good time to eat my late breakfast, although I highly doubt they waited for me to eat.

I walked into the kitchen slowly; looking around the room to make sure it was empty. I didn't feel like running into anyone after my super embarrassing morning.

I walked up to the fridge and sighed happily as I saw a wrapped up bacon sandwich. I took it out and after realizing I didn't know how to warm it up, I ate it cold.

I heard someone creep up behind me, expecting it to be Kelly I span around fast and chucked the crusts of my bread at them. I turned around and was surprised to see Ryan standing there instead of Kelly.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks, and I let out a loud chuckle once I saw the shocked amusement in his eyes. He was at least a foot taller than me, just like Jared. I assume it runs in the family.

'I was just going to ask what you're up to today' Ryan mumbled 'I was wondering if you wanted to do something'

I suddenly felt really awkward. But I was up to making some friends; and I was certainly up for making friends with Ryan.

'Sure' I told him, staring at the floor but sounding confident 'But First I would like to unpack'

He nodded at me in reply. 'Finish eating your breakfast, then how about I help you unpack?' He asked uncertainly. As if I would actually say no.

'Okay' I squeaked out as he walked out the kitchen. I ate my breakfast fast and I was almost sick- okay, maybe the sandwich wasn't making me ill, but the thought of being alone with Ryan was. He seemed charming, don't get me wrong, but he also seemed slightly authoritative which made me feel small. Smaller than I actually am.

After breakfast I slouched up the stairs quietly, in hope that I wouldn't be caught by Ryan; over breakfast I decided that I could unpack by myself, and that I wasn't really sure if I wanted Ryan in my room.

I pulled the door handle to my room silently and stepped in. I made my way over to my two suitcases and started unpacking. By the time I had finished, I realised how little I had bought with me; the huge wardrobe was barely half full, and the shelves around the room had hardly anything on- one was full of books, but that was it. I had nothing else.

I yawned. It had been a busy morning, and it was only just gone twelve. I found myself lying down on the carpet, tracing the delicate patterns with my little finger.

My stomach grumbled but it wasn't food I was craving; it was beer. The smooth cold liquid, dribbling down my throat- it was the thought of cool drink that had me jumping up and running down to the kitchen in search of some.

Once I had opened the door to the fridge, I began to mentally drool in anticipation; sitting there, as if it was teasing me was a bottle of vodka. I reached out to it, and just as I was about to clamp my hand around the thing that I wanted the most, Ryan walked it.

'You didn't ask me to help' He said as he walked in behind me. I sighed in anger, I had not known him a full day yet and I already wanted to throttle him. He had made it very clear he was going to jump out at me and every opportune moment.

'What do you want me to say, Ryan?' I snapped bitterly, I wasn't in the mood for a conversation. I was in the mood for getting drunk and forgetting my miserable life.

'I want you to say you want to hang out with me' He replied cheekily, not only in the little time I had known him did I discover he was the most annoying thing in the world, I had also decided I couldn't stay mad at him. And I could be mad at him for so many reasons right now.

I looked up at him, staring him in the eye; as if I was daring him to guess my answer. He sighed.

'Alright' I smiled wearily 'Where are we going?'

He looked at me shocked, but then his eyes lit up and he smiled at me. His smile fit his whole face, just like his Fathers, Jared.

'I could show you around, If you w-want' He stuttered. Did he just stutter? He normally seems so ahead of himself.

'I'd like that' I went back to the fridge and closed the door, though not before giving a wanting stare at the bottle that sat there just in my reach 'When are we going?

'We could go now?' He offered. His face didn't show any emotions and I suddenly felt the urge to get to know him. But I couldn't go now anyway, after unpacking my stuff I was left with a thick sheet of dust on my jeans.

'I'm just going to get changed, and then we can go?' I said, though it sounded like a question. My insecurities were starting to show, would be leave me? Was he just being nice to me so he could leave me somewhere I didn't know? Was he mad at me for living in his house?

Before he could answer my question I had started my small journey to my room, where I changed into my black skinny jeans. I ran back downstairs.

'Are you ready to go then?' He asked, waiting by the big doors at the bottom of the staircase. I was breathing heavily from running down the stairs; I was really unfit. My body didn't show it though, I was rather skinny and short, I find it hard to put on weight. Or well, I had done before; it was most likely the drinking that kept me so thin.

'Yeah' I said, breathless still, I should probably start working on a fitness regime of some sort.

He opened the door and held it out to me, very gentleman like. To the outside eye, it may have looked like what a man would do for his date.

I wonder what Ryan would say if he found out I was gay.


'Where are we going?' I asked for the millionth time 'Are we there yet?' I was getting impatient, and all he did was reply with an un-amused sigh.

We've been in the car for almost an hour, I thought he was showing me around locally and this definitely wasn't local. What if my previous thoughts were right? What if he was going to kidnap me because I'm stealing away his house?

'Oh my god! You're going to rape me' I mumbled unintentionally, which caused him to gawp at me and move his head to face me. He simply looked at me for a while, as if he had forgotten he was driving. He turned back and focused his attention on driving- to my delight.

'I'm going to our school' He said as if his answer was obvious 'I thought I should show you around before you can get lost on your first day' his cheeks turned a dark shade of red, he was embarrassed about something- god knows what.

Then I thought again. Ryan was still in school? He looked at least eighteen, maybe even twenty at a push, he shouldn't still be in high school. Unless. Was he a teacher?

'You're a teacher?' I screeched turning my head to the side to see his reaction. I can't fancy a teacher!

'I'm not a teacher, kid' He smiled at the road again. I noticed how he didn't take anything I said to heart, he just brushed it off as if my questions were normal.

'I just want a friend; I think it would be nice to have a real friend, I haven't had one before' He said, his smiling washing away with each word.

'How can someone so hot not have a friend' I mumbled to myself, as soon as the words passed through my lips, I wanted to shoot myself.

'Kid, you're pretty cute yourself' He said as his cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink.

He thinks I'm cute.


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