Purple Bruises ♔

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"You're such a *****, you know."

She pushed me and I landed in a heap on the ground.

I didn't bother getting up.

She was only going to push me down again anyways. Even harsher than before.

I already had bruises scattered everywhere all over my body, what's a few more, right?

I just hope there weren't any bruises on my face because I don't have anything to cover it up and my parents would freak if they saw a purple mark anywhere on my face.

But judging from the pain on my left cheek, it might already be too late.

She kept on throwing punches at me from every angle and side, just a never-ending cycle of hits.

I tried to shield myself from her brutal attacks but I could tell my many attempts were fruitless and only encouraged her more.

At one point she had hit me so hard, I was beginning to feel dizzy and then an immense pain on my right shoulder as well.

I didn't think those were her fists anymore.

And when I glanced up at her angry figure, I was correct.

She was weighing a type of stick or branch in her right hand, ready and poised to strike at any second.

I remembered the cruelty.

She made her way towards me, about to strike.

I covered my head and could feel a stinging pain coming from my backside.

It hurts.

I curled up into my own little ball as she hit me again and again.


What did I do?

What did I do that was so wrong of me?

She must've made a blow to my head at some time and I must've fallen unconscious for a brief moment because later I could vaguely hear a large intake of breath from her and loud footsteps heading in my direction.

I opened my eyes, but everything was blurry.

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