Chapter 1

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Rose's POV
I'm in the kitchen packing my bag for the first day of school. "I see pencils! Pencils are normal!" My dad says. "It's only your first day of school don't be so nervous!" My mom says. "What's with the hammer?" Dad asks. "You put that there!" I say. "Maybe I did. Just so some Prince Charming can't come around." He says. I finish packing and meet my new friend and neighbor Emylee Mulan. I heard she is an exchange student from China, and does she pull off a Kimono or what! As we pass by the shoe store I instantly go inside, so she follows. I try on a green boot, but my foot can't get inside it. I find a mouse in there with a key, so I take the key. I look up to see Emylee got a key, but from a tiny little dragon. Both animals disappear, and we both leave for school once more. "I'll take the boots in black! And can you box them and ship them to my house? That would be wonderful! Thank you!" I say. As we go I bump into a guy with the same key as us. So I follow him with Emylee behind me. He goes through a door like portal. I open a small door and we both follow him, but end up on a dragon. "I am on a real dragon! So cool!" I say. Once were all the students are I fall off with Emylee following. I end up going down a roof and landing on the boy from earlier.

Emylee lands like a warrior would, or maybe I'm thinking about how superheroes would land. "Two new students? But they aren't on the list." A woman says. "Ah! Welcome Rose Cinderella and Emylee Mulan." Another woman says. Emylee bows in respect to whoever this woman is. "I am professor Snow White and your staff welcomes you. So welcome to Regal Academy." Snow White says. I start going around to all of my favorite fairytales. "Contain yourself Rose Cinderella." Cinderella says. "You used that name twice! Am I really a Cinderella?!?!" I say. "Rose please settle down." Emylee says. I stop running around and we go inside with the others. "And now to place you into teams." Snow White says. "Astoria Rupunzle." She says. Astoria walks up and stands there waiting for her other team mates. I go up to someone with a wooden nose and ask her to tell me a lie. "I never tell a lie! Never!" She says and her nose grows a second later hitting someone. I start to chase her around the room.

•3rd persons POV•
"Joy LeFrog." Snow White says. Joy walks up and stands next to Astoria. "I hope you passed your entrance exam." Astoria says. "What's an entrance exam?" Joy asks. "Travis Beast." Snow White says. Travis walks up and stands in between the two girls. "I can't believe I'm on the nerd girl team." Travis says. Astoria uses her ivy hair to pull one of the statues heads from the wall and it lands on Travis. Travis tosses it somewhere. A princess screams and Hawk saves her. "Don't worry I'm a professional princess saver." He says. "Hawk Snowwhite." Snow White says. "My grades are saved." Astoria says. Hawk walks to the front, but stops to save an apple. "Rose Cinderella." She says. Rose stops chasing the girl and goes to walk, but bumps into Hawk. "Not anymore." Travis says. They both get up and go to where the others are. "Emylee Mulan." Snow White says. Emylee gets up and walks to the others in her team. Travis walks up to her. "It would be wise not to sneak up on a warrior Travis Beast." She says. "You all must find stamps. This is your first stamp. Consider this an assessment." Coach Beast says. Everyone leaves to find the stamps. Astoria finds hers and does the stamp. Hawk finds his next and stamps his. Joy finds hers and stamps hers. Travis finds his and stamps his.

•Emylee's POV•
We are in the Cinderella ball room right now. I look over to Rose and point to the chandelier. She looks at me like I'm crazy, but I give her a boast to go up there and follow after her. She finds her stamp as another group comes in. The leader of that group throws a potion at us, but I kick it and it goes back to her and she falls on her own potion. Astoria uses her ivy hair to get Rose down and I just jump off landing perfectly fine. Rose stamps her part of the paper and throws it back on to the chandelier. We all go to the gazebo outside that has Chinese spirits on the walls. I spot the stamp we are looking for in the statue of a dragons mouth. I grab it and stamp the page. We all go back to were we started and hand our paper to Snow White. "Wow! That was fast. And you guys are the first ones. Here are your grades." She says. Astoria opens our grades up to see what we got. Astoria got a five. Hawk got a five. Travis got a five. Joy and Rose both got fours. And I got a five. "I was hoping for a better grade." Astoria says. "You can't always get a 100% on your first day. We have all school year to get to that point. This is the fairytale land anything is possible." I say. "Emylee can you say something to them in Chinese?" Rose asks. They all give her confused looks. "I used to only speak Chinese because I was raised in China." I say. They all nod understanding now and look at me. "*sigh* fine I will say something, but it's been a while. Nî hâo. Nî jīntiān hâo ma?" I say. They all look at me astounded and confused. "What?" I ask. "What did you just say?" Astoria asks. "I said hello and how are you today." I say. "A while! Don't you speak it at home because your parents feel comfortable to speak Chinese?" Rose asks. "Hai!(Yes.)" I say. "Was that Japanese?" Rose asks. I just nod my head no longer wanting to speak. "So cool!" She squeals. "Oh look! The little Asian girl can speak Chinese!" The girl from earlier says laughing with her friends. "Nî yīnggāi kàn nî de kôuqì de xiâo nühái." I mutter. "What was that? I couldn't hear you." She says smirking. "I said that you should watch your tone little girl." I say. "I am not a little girl!" She says. "You sure act like one." I mumble. She walks away with her nose in the air like she is the queen of this school, or something like that. I go home once the school is let out. "Jing tian xue xiâo zhen me yang?(How was school?)" My mother asks me. "Tā shì hâo de. (It was okay.)" I say. I go up to my room and close the door gently and sit down sighing. "I can't wait for tomorrow." I whisper. Minutes later I'm called for dinner.

•Rose's POV•
I walk into the front door of my house. "How was your first day?" My mom asks. "It was awesome!" I say. Then I go into my room and close the door. "I can't wait for school tomorrow!" I say.

Rose: wow! Cool! I'm in a story now too!

Emylee: *sigh* if you want to see what really happened there is a video of the episode up above.

Astoria: so this isn't how it happened?

Emylee: no. I'm not even in the episode because this is just a fanfiction based off the show Regal Academy. Also I can't give out spoilers to those who haven't seen it yet.

Hawk: I am so going to save that apple next time

Travis: okay?

Me: not the apple! *munches on an apple that didn't hit the floor*

Hawk: where did you get that?

Me: the store!

Joy: the author says peace out ✌️
Emylee Marvel

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