Chapter 3

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Emylee's POV
I walk into the library and start looking for a book that might not seem like a normal library book. I finally find it and take it off the shelf and go sit down. Rose has gone shoe shopping, Travis is sketching in his sketch pad somewhere, Hawk is doing whatever he wants to right now which is eating  apples, Astoria is in a tower reading, and Joy is a frog again. I find the page I'm looking for and gasp quietly. "The Huns are coming to attack the school, so they can take it over. My new friends and I have to stop them, but I get captured by one of the Huns, so I can learn there plan." I whisper. I take a picture of the page and put the book back from where I got it. I walk out of the library in search for Hawk, Travis, Astoria, Joy, and Rose. I find Joy and kiss her, so she turns back into her human form. "We need to find the others and quick!" I say. We go to Earth and to Rose's favorite shoe shop. "Rose! We need to go and find the others!" I say. Rose gives me a confused look and Joy just shrugs. We go back to the fairytale land, and find Astoria and Travis. Now all we need is Hawk. "We should split up to look for him." I say. They nod not knowing what's going on. I go into the forest and come across a camp. I hide behind a tree, and decide to climb up it to have a better look. The camp belongs to the Huns and they're not to far from the school. I climb down and run back to the school to see they found him. "Where did you go to look for him?" Astoria asks confused. "The forest. I found something else though and it is way worse than a missing friend." I say. They get even more confused, so I take them to the library and get the book I had earlier. I open it to the page and show the others. They all look up at me with wide eyes and Rose is the first one to say something.

"What does this mean?" She says. "That we are apart of a prophecy that can not be stopped or changed." I say. She comes up to me and hugs me. "T-that means you really are going to have to be captured isn't?" She asks. "*sigh* Unfortunately yes it does mean I have to be captured." I say. Hawk looks my way and I can tell he doesn't want me to do it. Astoria walks up to me and drags me away from everyone. We go out into the hallway were there is a window. We walk over to it and start talking. "You know we all don't want you to go through with this. Can't we find another way to do this?" Astoria says. "I'm afraid we can't As-" I say until a dart goes into my neck and I become sleepy. I fall out of the window and into somebody's arms. I look up to see Astoria yelling for the others, but it's too late the person and I already left.

~Minutes later~

I groan as I wake up and look at my surroundings. I'm in a cell of a camp. I walk up to one of the many walls and jump up using the windows edge as leverage. I find out at that moment I'm at the Huns camp. I get down and grab the keys off of the wall. I unlock the cell door, and walk to there battle strategy room. I take a long look at the papers they have; then go back to my cell once I have memorized every single detail. I go back up on to the ledge five figures off in the distance. One figure runs so fast that they slide to a stop and kneel down, so now I'm looking into blue eyes. "Rose?" I ask in a whisper. "Emylee! Oh my gosh I'm so happy I found you!" Rose whisper-yells. "Rose keep your voice down." I whisper through gritted teeth. Astoria, Travis, Hawk, and Joy come running over to us. "Hold on I got this!" Hawk whispers. He claps his hands and his wand forms from his ring. "Snow magic!" He whispers while pointing it at the bars. Once he stops we notice it didn't work. So I get down and clap my hands. "Fire magic!" I whisper, but it rebounds off the bars and back to me. I duck just in time and get back up once I know it is safe. "We can't free you with our magic, and you can't either. We need to find another way." Astoria says. Then I hear footsteps walking towards my cell. "Guys you might want to hurry. Or you might want to hide." I say. Then I turn around only to feel cold medal against my neck. I back up into the wall, but he moves his sword and grabs my neck tightly. Then I'm lifted into the air as he straggles me. I lift up my right leg and kick him really hard in the guts. He drops me and hunches over. I get up and run out of the already open cell door, and out the front of the tent. Once outside I run to the others. Then a blue/white light shines out of nowhere. A girl our age steps out of the light. She has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, blue shirt on, white armor, and blue shoes. "Are you the one that is supposed to brain wash them in forgetting they wanted me?" I ask. She only nods and uses her magic to brain wash the Huns. We all run off back to the school and; then she leaves. Rose hugs me really tightly with Astoria, Joy and Travis. They pull away from me and Hawk and I just shake hands. Then I go home for the rest of the day since it is Saturday. I go to sleep, but get a nightmare, or dream about the Huns. I wake up, but decide to go back to sleep.

•Hawk's POV•
Once inside my room I go straight to bed. In my sleep I have a nightmare that the Huns well try and kill Emylee, so I wake up. I must not let that happen to her. I think. I go back to sleep thinking about that dream.

•Rose's POV•
I go to sleep, but wake up having a nightmare about the Huns killing Emylee and I. I go back to sleep thinking about shoes.

•Travis's POV•
I wake up from my sleep. I had a nightmare that the Huns would kill Rose and Emylee. I must protect Rose at all cost. I think. I go back to sleep thinking about flowers that I could draw.

•Joy's POV•
I wake up from my sleep. I had a nightmare where all my friends were eaten by a giant frog monster. I also had one about the Huns killing Emylee and Rose. They also try to kill me, but I turn into a frog as my prince/princess comes to save me.

•Astoria's POV•
I wake up from a nightmare. In that nightmare I saw Emylee and Rose die because of the Huns, Joy almost die, but is saved by her prince/princess, and I almost die as well until a prince/princess saves me. I go back to sleep thinking about books.

Me: Does she ever think about something other than school?

Joy: nope

Hawk: what Joy said

Rose: she does think about her friends, but other than that no

Emylee: I mean I don't know her very well, but I agree with the others

Travis: she's basically a nerd, so no

Astoria: I can think of other things I just choose to think about school as the most important thing

Me: she's not wrong because school can prepare you for the outside world after you leave the comfort of your home and family. I'm only a Junior right now tho. Peace out ✌️
Emylee Marvel

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