Emylee Mulan

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Rose's POV
Hi everyone my name is Rose Cinderella. And I'm here to tell you about my new friend Emylee Mulan. She is a fierce warrior! She jumps in to danger just like Hawk does, but she doesn't seem to mind. Hawk does though because he doesn't like it when she saves herself. Her friends also don't like it because she could get hurt one of these days. She's up to saving the day no matter what. She is an excellent dragon flyer, and can calm any dragon that needs it. She owns a pet dragon that is named Mushu. Emylee has fire magic that allows her to get out of tough situations. Like being stuck behind medal bars, or in a glacier due to Hawk using his snow magic to keep her away from the danger. She is so cool! And I can't wait for her and Hawk to finally get together! I hope to see you in the fairytale land real soon.

Emylee: cool! I get a pet dragon!

Rose: that kinda scares me author

Me: meh

Hawk: did you make Rose say 'And I can't wait for Emylee and Hawk to get together!'

Me: yes

Travis: oh you are so going to be teased from now on

Astoria: they would make a cute couple

Joy: what are we talking about?

Astoria: Emylee and Hawk

Joy: what about them?

Astoria: we are saying that they should get together

Joy: oh! I think Rose and Travis should as well.

Rose and Travis: WHAT???!!!!

Me: peace out
Emylee Marvel

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