Chapter 4

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Hawk's POV
I'm at school again even though it's Sunday. Emylee, Rose, Astoria, Joy, and Travis are with me. I keep a close eye on Emylee. Travis is watching over Rose. Rose doesn't seem to mind, but Emylee does. I go to take a bite of my apple until I notice she is no longer inside. I run outside to see her at the schools garden. I walk over to her and she turns to me. "I know you want to watch over me because we all had the same dream, but I'm fine Hawk." She says, but her eyes tell me another thing. Her eyes tell me she's stressed out, and a little worried. Then we hear a scream coming from inside. We race back inside to see Rose is only screaming because Joy turned into a frog again, and was almost stepped on by Travis. Astoria kisses Joy on the forehead and she turns into her human form. Emylee sighs in relief and goes back outside. I decide not to follow her. But then I go back outside to look for her. Now she is sitting on a bench in the garden. I sit next to her and wrap my arms around her. I pull her close and allow her to lay her head on my shoulder. She stays still not wanting to move, but finally wraps her arms around my torso as well. Then I hear rustling near by, so I let go of her and go check it out. I enter the forest and I'm about to go deeper into the woods until I hear someone yell my name. "Hawk!" She says. I turn around to see Emylee being held down by two Huns, and a third one is holding a sword up to her neck. I run back to her as I clap my hands. My wand forms from my ring and I use it to freeze the Hun with the sword. The other two take out dangers, and one gets off of Emylee. I freeze him, but the last one stands up with Emylee in his arms.

"Bù dòngjié wô!{1} Nî shì shì wô jiù shāle tā!{2}" He says. I just growl at him, but stand down because I don't want her to die. He laughs and covers Emylee's mouth and pulls his dagger to her side. She just rolls her eyes and elbows him in his rib cage. And round house kicks him making the guy fly to the schools walls and pass out. I make my wand go back into its ring form. I put my ring on and run to Emylee. Emylee looks over to me and smiles a little bit. Then it goes into one of seriousness. She slips off her ring and claps three times. I watch as her ring turns into a sword. She catches it by the hilt and turns around. I get confused until I see Huns come out of the forest. Travis, Astoria, Rose, and Joy come running out of the school to see what's going on. Then the Huns start to approach us, but she uses her sword to create a firestorm towards them. They have no time to duck, but nothing happens to them. When we look where they are all of them are in a cage of fire. "Nî xiâng yào shénme?{3}" Emylee asks. "Wômen wèishéme yào gàosù nî?{4}" One asks. "Nî bùxiâng zhīdào wô huì zuò shénme gêi nî.{5}" Emylee says. They all look at each other, but say nothing. Soon Emylee gets tired of waiting for them to answer and leaves. Rose goes with her along with Travis. I go home after everyone left and decide to go to sleep because it's getting pretty late.

Me: authors note is next chapter.
1.) Don't move! 
2.) If you freeze me I'll kill her.
Peace out ✌️
Emylee Marvel

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