Chapter 2

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Emylee's POV
I wake up right away and get ready for school. I leave and meet up with Rose, but she bumps into Travis, and falls into the door that he just opened, so I follow them. We finally reach the school after the dragon went up the side of a waterfall. Then we head for our dragonology class that professor Snow White teaches. She asks a question and Rose answers it correctly. "Out of all the information about dragons and that's the only one you remember." Astoria says. Then coach Beast comes in and tells us we are going to get up and close to a dragon. Once there we are told to put on some armor. Now that's what I like to hear. I think. Sorry I'm a warrior not some princess, or damsel in distress. Rose goes and jumps onto the dragons tummy. It wakes up and sprays us with its magic fire coating us in armor. "Wow!" The other students say. As we walk Rose trips over a rock and falls. "I'm okay! This happens all the time with new heels." She says. Rose gets up again and we go to coach Beast. Rose walks up to a dragon she thinks is pretty, but it flings her off. "You don't choose the dragon Rose. The dragon chooses you." Beast says. "I like your shoes." One of the dragons says to Rose. Rose gets excited and jumps onto the back of the dragon. "A great warrior always looks for a good companion." A famine voice says from behind me. I turn around and find a dragon said that to me. I bow as does she. I smile up at her and climb on to her back. Then we take off after coach Beast gives us a assessment. He goes around giving out advice to us, but he never came over to me. The girl from yesterday uses her sleep magic to make Rose's dragon fall asleep. "I really hate her." I mutter. "I hate her as well, but we must not let that hate consume us." The dragon says. I nod agreeing and we continue to fly. Later she does it again, but to her team mates. My team except for Rose fly right into the sleeping dragon. Travis catches Joy and I go and scoop down for the save.

Rose saves the others, and everyone ends up back on there dragons. I fly and pass the girl that just made her team mates dragon sleep. Hawk soon passes her as well because he is right next to me with Astoria on the other side of him. But I encourage my dragon and we go faster and pass the finish line with Hawk and Astoria. Travis passes the finish line after us with Joy following behind him. Hawk, Astoria, and I are all awarded gold medals, Travis is awarded a silver medal, and Joy is awarded a bronze medal after she is not her frog form anymore. Then I get this feeling like something is going to happen. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, but I open my eyes gasping quietly. Oh no! The Huns are coming to try and destroy, or take over the school. I think. We fly back to the school, and I go home and pull out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a dragon on it. I keep my sandals on, and change my top and bottom. Much better! We're not even in China anymore, so why wear it. I'll wear it again on holidays, and when I feel like it, but this is more comfortable. I think. Tomorrow I'm going to need to go into the library at the school for some information on what I just saw.

Too be continued.

Emylee: is it a prophecy?

Me: maybe. But no spoilers!

Hawk: quick question. What's the next chapter going to be?

Me: it's going to be character info/meeting them? I don't know what to call it.

Astoria, Joy, and Travis: the author says peace out ✌️
Emylee Marvel

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