Astoria's Tower Magic

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Me: watch the video above

Astoria: Tower magic

Joy: now we know why she can find towers

Hawk: my magic is way cooler. Get what I mean?

Emylee: sure Hawk sure

Rose: do I feel a bit of tension between you two

Hawk and Emylee: No!

Travis: I think there is

Rose: me too

Joy: me three

Astoria: I do as well

Me: I can feel it too since I'm the author

Emylee: you're very lucky I'm not using my fire magic right now

Rose, Travis, Astoria, Joy, and Me: awww and there magic is opposite of each other

Emylee: *leaves*

Rose: where do you think she's going?

Everyone else: I don't know

Emylee: and I like to keep it that way!

Me: uh I should go before my friends notice I'm gone, so peace out ✌️
Emylee Marvel

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