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Beep beep. Beep beep.

Without opening my eyes, I reached out of the warm blanket I was nestled in and slammed my hand against the top of my alarm clock, again and again until it shut off.

Once my bedroom was quiet again, I stretched across my mattress and slowly opened my eyes. I could smell something burning down stairs.

I pulled the blanket to the side and plucked a shirt off the floor, pulling it over my head as I crawled out of bed.

I hurried down the hall to the kitchen where three of my best mates were standing around in our smoke filled kitchen.

Alex was trying desperately to put out the small flames that were left from a pan of unidentifiable black lumps. Blake stood across the room laughing and holding a fire extinguisher. Tristan was busy opening up as many windows as he could.

"What the hell is going on?" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Alex has gone to the trouble of cooking us all breakfast" Tristan said. He picked up one of the black lumps, dropping it immediately as it burned his finger.

"Shut up" Alex said, shoving him back. "I had to bring some dish made from scratch for Intro to Culinary Arts class. "

"Seriously Alex, why don't you drop that class and pick a new minor already?" Blake said, walking back into the room.

"Yeah mate, that's like the third time this month," Tristan added.

"Whatever" Alex muttered as he chunked the black remains into the garbage.

I rolled my eyes and went to the shower, leaving the other boys to remove the smoke from the kitchen. By the time I had finished and was dressed, it was almost noon. I cursed as I swung my bag across my shoulder and ran outside. The bus stop wasnt far, if I ran I could probably make it.

I took off as fast as I could, dodging people on the street, apologizing as I bumped into several of them but never slowing down. I could see the stop now. If I could just make it before the doors closed. But with my luck, I was only halfway down the street when I watched it pull away from the station.

I came to a stop and leaned against a street lamp, checking my watch. The next bus wouldn't be here for another 15 minutes. I might as well wait, I was going to be late for class anyways.

I sat at the stop and drummed my fingers along the edge of the bench until the next bus pulled up. The ride to university wasn't far, just a few miles, but I was definitely late.

When the bus pulled to a stop, I hurried off and ran into Building C, ignoring the custodian that was yelling at me to 'Walk, not run!'

I turned a corner and burst through the door, making much more noise than I intended to.

Everyone looked at me, and the professor stopped his lecture and turned to stare too.

I looked at my feet and hurried to the first empty seat I saw. I dug through my bag and found a pen and a few peices of scrap paper.

I noticed the girl sitting in the row before mine was searching frantically for something. I watched, trying to decipher if she was having an anxiety attack or not.

I tapped her shoulder and she jumped a little but turned around. I offered her my pen, the item she seamed to have been searching for. I could tell that she wanted to take it, but she hesitated, unsure.

"Don't worry, I'm a good listener. " I said reassuringly with a smile.

She took the pen from me and quietly thanked me before turning to scribble as much as she could on a blank sheet of paper.

I tried my best to listen to the professors speech, but I just wasn't that into it.

When the professor finally dismissed us, I looked at the clock.

My next class was all the way across campus. I grabbed my bag and hurried out the door. Hopefully I wouldn't cause quite a ruckus in AP Bio.

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