Chapter 9

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Chapter 9-

The day started out like any other. Busy streets and people rushing to work. The same as everyday, Brittany, Blaine, Sebastian, and the rest of the glee club and student body, woke up, got dressed, and went to school. And what would happen that day at William McKinley High School would change everything for the students and staff.

That afternoon, some of the kids were showing up in glee club. Blaine had just arrived. Him, Sebastian, and Brittany were hanging out in the auditorium. Brittany and Sebastian stayed behind to gather up their things, but were just leaving when it happened. The two loudest bangs. Gunshots. Then screams echoing throughout the school. Students rushing into the nearest rooms. Desks and tables being used as baracades against the doors. And then silence in the halls.

Blaine and the other glee club members backed up against the walls. They burst into tears. Held the hands of the ones closest to them. Physically and best-friend wise. Brittany and Sebastian were just exiting the auditorium when they heard it. They were frozen on the first shot. On the second one, they ran back into the auditorium and to the stage where they opened a hatch door that lead to a tiny space under the stage and crawled into it. Brittany and Sebastian backed into the small corner, holding each other.

What was that? Brittany whispered, her eyes watering and lips trembling.

Ssshhhh, Sebastian said calmly. It was two gunshots. Where and who, I dont know. We need to stay down here. Eventually, someone will come looking for us.

Okay. Okay, Brittany said crying, nodding rapidly. Then she stopped and looked at Sebastian. What about Blaine? Did he get to the choir room? She pulled out her phone to text Blaine. Let him know that Sebastian and her were still in the auditorium, under the stage. Asked if he was alright and if he was in the choir room.

Blaine read it. Is first instinct, he acted on. Blaine stood up and rushed to Mr. Schue. Mr. Schue, Brittany and Sebastian are in the auditorium. Theyre under the stage. We have to go get them, Blaine said, falling apart. Please. We need to bring them here. In here. With me. I have to be with them.

Blaine, its not safe. In fact, theyre safer in the auditorium. Under the stage. Theyll be fine, Mr. Schue reassured Blaine.

Blaine went back to his seat where Rachel was and offered her hand to Blaine. Blaine took it. And he sat there for several moments of silence, crying, worried out of his mind about Sebastian and Brittany.

* * *

Its been hours. An hour after the shots went off, was when the SWAT team arrived. And its been another hour of them looking for the shooter. Sebastian and Brittany have been cramped down in that hole under that stage, waiting. Waiting for anything. An all clear. Someone to open the hatch lid and say, Its over. but nothing. Nothing has happened for two hours. The only thing heard for two hours were either muffled crying and shuffling from the SWAT team.

But then, someone did open the lid to the hole where Sebastian and Brittany were hidden. It was a SWAT team member. But he was still searching for the shooter. The man helped Sebastian and Brittany out of the hatch and sent them to the nearest room, following them. When they stepped into the hallway, they were stopped in their tracks. By the shooter. A couple yards behind them, at gun-point.

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