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He stared straight at you and walked calmly to a empty seat right beside you.

" what.. is here doing here?! You shout in disbelief.
" did you miss me? " he grinned.

" Jimin?! Since when did you.. don't worry. " you grumbled

He stared and you and sat elegantly with his legs crossed looking as manly as ever.

There was a long moment of slience, was he perhaps thinking about our
'kiss'.. ?!

"I need a answer of why he did that... he wasn't jealous right?" You whispered to yourself.

As soon as the second bell rung the teacher walked in and paces himself around the classroom staring down each individual infront of him, he walks straight past you but eyed down Sohee in disgust.. it was kind of funny actually.

" I'm Mr Jung and i have very high expectations in music!" He shouted and crossed his arms.

" Music is not a subject to slack off in, so if you did it to slack off.. you are in the wrong class child." He said growling at everyone.

There was no response from anyone, no even a sound of movement.
" I will make myself clear! You must obey all my intructions or else you will be referred to principles office!" He stomped around infront of the class room.

Suddenly his mood changed into a excited child who recived candy on Halloween..

it was almost impossible to see it happen.
" ok. Who can play piano? raise your hand!" He said cheerfully.
You slowly hold up your hand and look around.

There were plenty people who were able to play the piano and each of them were instructed to play a piece of music of their preferences.

This was an hidden assessment and you knew he was doing this to see everyones abilities.

so you did not hesitate to warm up your fingers.

It was your turn to play and you were nervous, especially with Jimin and Taehyung watching.

"What piece are you playing?" He sat there smiling.
" kiss the rain by Yiruma" you bowed and sat down

Your fingers moved magically across the keyboard as you began to play.

You were so into it that you forgot that everyone was nearby but as you as you come to realization you hit the wrong key and stop .

Every stared at you blankly in confusion.

" what happened ? " he said in shock
" sorry... i didn't get enough sleep" you lied and bowed.

" you did well, take a seat." He smiled.
You ran to you seat embarrassed.

" any other volunteers? Ahhh my beautiful music princess, Yuri!" He pointed with large happy expression.
She stood up and flipped her hair flawlessly.

She was that rude girl in art class!
She slowly walked towards the piano and sat down with a fanastic posture.

" i will play Kiss the rain aswell." She said glaring at your direction.

My Bad Boy Jimin // Bts FanficWhere stories live. Discover now