Back on tour -16

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( an: I just wanted to point out that when I say guys I mean all of them including the girls 😂 )
Trishas POV

2 days later

Melany has just got out the hospital but she is still hanging out with dan and phil, you can tell that Aaron isn't very happy with it. Like his own girlfriend can't remember him and has a better relationship with someone else, like ouch that's gotta hurt. Anyways Melany is getting better, she remembers some of us like ; Ash, Zoe, Alishia, Nash, Chris and Jack J. Now we are just waiting for her to remember the rest of us. Today we are back on tour except Mel which the fans are disappointed and so is us, but right now we were all waiting to get called onto the stage.

Our manager ( an:let's call him Josh ) runs up on stage and says " Hey guys!" The crowd screams " I'm here to introduce you guys to the fellas! Here we gooo!" He Screams and the crowd goes nuts " welcome to the stage; Kian, JC, Ricky, Sam, Trevor, Connor,Blake, Aaron, Matt, Dylan, Cam, Chris, Nash, Grayson, Ethan, Joe, Shawn, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson and Hunter!" Josh screams and all the boys run onto the stage " Hey guys! How's everyone doing tonight?!" Trevor says into the microphone, all the fans start to scream 'good' " that's awesome! Let's introduce the lovely ladies onto the stage! Welcome; Trisha, Ash, Hannah, Steph, Nahida, Abby, Alishia, Brianna, Ellie, Amber, Jojo, Zoe, Cecilia and Maddie!" Trevor yells into the mic and we run on to the stage. I grab a mic and scream " WHATS UP GUYS" I hear a bunch of screams, I smile and say" As you can probably tell we are missing one lady here tonight; Melany. She's doing good but she just has amnesia right now and we got a couple friends taking care of her right now!" I look over at Aaron and you can see that his muscles tense up.  " we pray that she gets her memory back and I hope you guys can do the same!" Nash said which made everyone in the room Chant ' Mel memories ' and ' get better Mel' " those should be a hashtag!" Kian says and everyone screams. So I went onto Twitter and said ' @Trishaann- hey guys! I just want to give you an update! Mel is okay but she has amnesia :( we are all praying for her and I hope you guys are aswell! Let's get these hashtag trending! #melsmemories #getbettermel ' i posted the tweet and instantly everyone is also posting the hashtag! " so guys who's ready to have some fun?! " Connor screams and the crowd goes nuts. Well I guess it's time to have some fun

Melany's  POV
3 hours later
I finally remembers some of them, I remember Ash, Zoe, Chris, Nash, Alishia and JJ! I was a little proud of myself but I still feel bad that I didn't remember Aaron or JC. Yeah I know I just called my dad by his first name, but why should I call him ' dad ' when I don't even remember him? Anyways Dan, Phil and I are at the hotel just playing some games when we heard the door open and a bunch of people talking, I turn my head and I saw all of the guys come In just talking among themselves " hey guys! How was it?" Phil asked them " it was awesome! " Sam says jumping around like a little 5 year old which made me giggle. " hey Melany did you go on Twitter recently?" Nash said with a grin on his face, " no why?" I asked confused " check what's trending " Ash said while stuffing her face with tacos, I nod my head and open up Twitter. I check what's trending and I see 2 tweets that's trending like crazy; #getbettermel and #melsmemories . " oh my god " I said under my breath " who started the trend? " I ask looking at them, they all point to Trisha. I run up to her and hug her as tightly as I could possibly could " tight...might.....die" Trish said and I let go and we all laugh

After an hour or so I got a text from Aaron

Aaron- hey Melany, I know you might not remember me but can we go on a date or something. I don't want to loose what we had, so can we try?

I thought for a little bit then replied

Melany - sure! It might bring my memory back of you! And besides just cause I can't remember you doesn't mean I don't love you! :)
Aaron- awesome! Can't wait! Tomorrow night, fancy clothing and around 7pm?
Melany- yeah sure! See you then!

*convo ends*

I look up at Aaron and he shows it to Nash, then Nash screams " MARON IS COMING ALIVE. THEY HAVE A DATE " all the boys look at Aaron and all the girls look at me, Then at each other, then back at us, Uh oh. " SHOPPING NOW" all the girls scream and drag me downstairs. This is gonna be one hell of a day..

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