When 16 year old Melany gets adopted by the famous youtube group o2l she doesn't suspect to get a adventurous & drama filled life.
(The youtubers, viners, singers and musers involved are: o2l, new + old MAGCON,Joe Sugg, Dolan twins, + a whole lot...
*trishas pov* 5/8/16 8:03pm I opened the door to find no one there? I looked down and there was a letter and a beautiful necklace , I picked it up and opened the letter. It said " hello my princess! We have a little Scavenger hunt for you! To start us off here's ur first hint ! Also for ever little present you have to put it on! ;) : go to the place where you love the most, there that's where you will find your next clue ! someone will be waiting for you outside waiting for you ;) good luck princess."
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I read it to the girls and they are going crazy " OMG LETS GO NOW!!! " Alishia screams. we all head out and I put the necklace on, we go outside and standing out side is Jack Johnson " JJ WHEN DID YOU GET HERE " Melany squeals and hugs him " I got here a couple hours ago!" He responds " now princesses please get into the car we are driving to " he waits for me to respond with my answer " STARBUCKS " I said with confidence " yes madam " he Bows and opens the door for us to get into the car, we get inside the car and we start driving to our first destination.
Once we got there we all hop out of the car and head inside and look around until I finally decided to ask the girl at the counter " hey did u get a letter?" I asked hoping that they had it, she smiles and hands it to me with a little box. I open the letter and it says "great job on finding your first destination!! Now princess here's the next hint : go to the place where we always hang out and we have out little jam out sessions ! Good luck princess. " I automatically knew what he was talking about ; the music store, I open the box to find the cutest ring I've ever seen! I put it on and we all run out side!
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we go out side but instead of seeing Jack j we saw Jack g. "JACKY"jojo screams and we all hug him " cmon princess out next stop is?" He asks with a smirk " the music store !" He smiles and nods meaning that I was right, we all hop into the car and drive to the music store.
We finally got to the music store we all got out of the car and went inside. We went through all the isles until Zoe screams " I FOUND IT " we all run to her and to find the letter and a bunch of beautiful roses right on top of the 5sos albums. Smart , very smart. I open the letter and it says " good just princess! Now there's one more stop! Go to the place where it's loud at day but quiet at night! Hope you can find it ;)" we all stand there confused until nahida says "OMG THE PARK" we all start running out side realising that he meant the park near our hotel.
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When we got out side we saw JJ and JG we all hugged them and we all hop into the car. " so where are we heading now princess?" They say in unison " the park" I said and they smiled and JG starts driving.
We got to the park and we all got out of the car to see the park filled with roses and fairy lights in the trees. It was beautiful I see all the guys and they grab me and brings me to a tree where I see Kian. I run up to him and he gives me a big hug which I obviously return. We let go and he turns around and grabs something then he turns back and puts a beautiful crown on my head.
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I look up at him and smile, then he grabs my face and we kiss. You can just hear all the girls and guys screaming and cheering, you can even see flashes going off. "YAAAAAAASSSS BITCH SLAYYYY" Ricky screams which made us all laugh " you guys dating or nawwwwww" Sam said with a smirk which made me blush and look down. Then Kian lifts my head and says " well that's If the princess says yes. Can I have the honour of you being my girlfriend?" He asks " YES" I scream and hug him. They all cheer and chant 'Tian' which I got to admit is hella cute. We let go and we hold hands looking at the guys going nuts and the girls squealing, but Abby and Ricky are just are having what they like to call a ' sass showdown'. We all hang out at the park till it was getting late so we decided to go home since we have another show tomorrow. Best night ever.
We all go into the hotel and Trevor asks " so JJ and JG are you guys staying for the rest of the tour?" They nod and JJ says " and I think hunter is also coming! And I think he's bringing another girl" " YAAAAAASSSS A NEW GIRL FINALLY TURN UP" ash screams in excitement which made us laugh. We head up to our rooms and said good bye to the boys, I was about to let kians hand go till he pulled me back and pulled me into a kiss. When I let go I hug him " good night kiki" I said softly " good night princess" he said and kisses my head. I turn away and see the Aaron, Joe and cam did the exact same thing with melany, Alishia and Hannah. I can totally get used to the whole dating thing, once we got into the room I got changed into more comfy clothes and went into bed, before I knew it I was already asleep.