Your what?! - 18

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Abby POV *next day*

I was just sitting in bed until I heard a loud bang on the door. I jump up and open the door to find Chris shirtless. Jesus, I look down so he doesn't realise I was blushing like mad. " what's up Chrissy?" I say turning back leaving the door open for him to come in " nothing much I just came here cause I think I left it here last night " He responds and I just nod. " also cause I wanted to ask you about that date we were gonna have" he says with a ridiculous smirk on his face. " uh yeah sure!" I said while giving him a warming smile which he smiled back. " tomorrow at 7?" He says while about to walk out the door " sure!" I respond " okay see you then beautiful!" He says before winking at me and closing the door, I blush and turn around. Damn

*Later on*

Mass group chat
Cammo: hey guys, breakfast at IHOP?
Chrissyyy: I'm not paying tho
Aareon:why not
Joey:I'm broke tho
Danny:phill and I are coming!!
Hamilton: sound like a plan boysss , meet at the lobby
JCaylen: okay
Kiki: guys shut up
Lishhhha:somebody gotta stick up their ass
Kiki:shut up

I read the conversation and started to get ready. After about 20 minutes I got out of my room and went to the lobby we're we are suppose to meet them. Once I got down most of them were already down so I decided to talk to Dan and Trisha.

"Heyyyy" I say while jumping onto trisha's back which makes her scream, " WTF ABBY YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME BITCH" trisha wacks my arm in frustration which makes us laugh cause she knows she isn't strong. " what's up abs?" Dan says while looking up from his phone " nothing much besides the fact Chris asked me out on a date" I said blushing so I looked down " DAMNNNNN OMG YOU NEED TO GET SHIT READY GIRLLLL" jojo screams while joining our conversation which makes us laugh. " I will! will! I just what to fucking eat man" I say sighing. Once everyone finally got down we went into our cars and drove to IHOP.

We finally get to IHOP we all run inside like literal maniacs which was funny but quite disturbing to say the least. Once we finally get a seat we all just have little conversation between us.

" guys me and Nash have something to say.." Steph says while standing up. We all look at her in confusion. What could it be? " I'm pregnant." Steph says looking down, All our jaws drop. " OH MY GOD IM GONNA BE AN AUNT" Ellie screams and she runs to Steph and hugs her tightly and all the girls started running up to Steph congratulating her and the boys are doing that bro hug thing to Nash.

I go up to Nash after hugging Steph and give him a hug " congrats Hamilton" I laugh " thanks absta" he hugs back. " wait does that mean you guys are dating?" Ash says which makes us look at them, and you can see from the question makes them both go bright red " Oooo they be fucking and they ain't dating oh my god" Nahida says which makes us laugh, then Nash grabs Stephs hand " Steph Wilson would you be my girlfriend?" " YES" she squeals and we cheer. Wow well that was interesting.

After lunch we all headed back and got melany ready for her date. " CURLED HAIR OR STRAIGHT?!" Jojo yells " CURLED " we all yell back " DARK OR LIGHT PINK LIPSTICK?!" Alishia yells " LIGHT" we yell " I HATE PINK GUYS WHY COULDN'T  I WEAR A BLACK DRESS?!" Melany yells " NO" we all yell back " it has to look cute " Ellie says " IM NOT CUTE IM PUNK ROCK" Melany yells " WE KNOW" we yell while trying to get her makeup right. Once we finally finished getting Melany ready there was a knock on the door, Melany gets up and opens the door and it was Aaron with black roses. " I know how you love being ' punk rock ' so I got you these" Aaron says while giving them to her " thank you! I TOLD YOU GUYS EVEN HE GETS IT" Melany yells at us which makes us laugh " Have fun you too! I don't want to be a aunt to your child just yet tho so wear protection!" Maddie yells which makes us laugh even more and they leave, Hopefully she remembers Aaron now.

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