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*Next Morning*
I woke up and decided to visit my dad today. I had breakfast and no one was awake yet. I went into Marcus and Lucas's room. "Marcus wake up." I whispered. "5 more minutes mom!" He said. "It's not mom. Try again." I said. "Mia? Is there something wrong?" He asked in a sleepy tone. "Nope. I just came to tell you I am going to dad's." I said. "So, you want me to drive you?" He asked. "Nope again. I came to tell you I am borrowing your sweater." I said smirking. "Seriously? Wait, did you date me to get my sweaters?" He said raising an eyebrow. "Exactly." I said laughing. "What time is it?" He asked. "Around 6 am." I said. "Shut up both of you! I am trying to sleep here." Lucas said. "Sorry." I said laughing a little. "I am coming with you." Marcus said. "It's not necessary." I said. "You woke me up and I can't sleep again. Be ready in 10." He said and I nodded and went to change. I took Marcus's maroon sweater that says 'Text goes here' and put some jeans and put my hair in a messy bun. "Naaah, It looks better on me." Marcus said when he saw me. "Of course." I smiled then kissed him. "Is this some sort of bribery?" He asked. "Consider it whatever but I won't stop borrowing your clothes." I said laughing.
*At my dad's home*
"Hey, Good Morning." I said. "I didn't know you get up early." Tara said hugging me. "What a wonderful way to say good morning." I said. "Marcus! My favorite!" She said hugging him. "Good Morning." Marcus said. "Are you done making breakfast?" I asked. "Not yet, come help." tara said. "Sure." I said. "Mia! What a surprise." My dad said coming downstairs. "Good morning,dad." I said with a smile. I helped Tara with the food and we were all eating together. "I am so happy I had the chance to see you kids before I go to work. This made my day." My dad said smiling. "We actually have something to tell you." I said looking at Marcus and he smiled. "Marcus and I are dating!" I said in excitement. "YESS! I KNEW IT! " Tara yelled. "Sister chill." I said laughing. "Congratulations." My dad said smiling, but he isn't excited. "Aren't you happy dad?" I asked. "Of course I am! It's just I already know it." He said . I looked at Marcus raising an eyebrow. "Marcus I told you I want to tell him first." I said. "Your dad knows it because I asked for permission for dating you couple of days ago." Marcus said smirking. "Wait.. What?" I said. "Yes baby girl. That day when I talked to your dad and you didn't know what we were talking about. I was asking to date you and your dad agreed. I don't believe I really did that but hey, anything for you love." He said and kissed my cheek. "Awww." I said about to cry. "Why so beautiful!" Tara said in a childish voice. "You kids are so perfect together. Be happy always and forever." My dad said and Marcus and I smiled.
*Skip breakfast*
We had breakfast then dad had to go to work, so we left too. Marcus is driving me home. "So... You didn't tell me about the permission thing." I said. "Cause back then, I didn't ask you out. Now that I have I told you about it." Marcus said. "Okay. But next time don't hide anything from me." I said. "Anything you want,princess." He smiled the kissed my hand. "Well, what do you want to do today?" Marcus asked. "Anything with you would be perfect." I said smiling. "Alright. First we're going home. I gotta get something." He said and I nodded.
*At Home*
"Baby, I will go upstairs. Be right back." Marcus said. "What's up,Hailey!" I said going to her. "Heyy. Why are you up early today? Not your thing." She said smirking. "Shut up." I said quite laughing. "I miss talking to you. I miss our time together,bestie." I said in a sad tone."Me too! I actually have a lot to tell you. But there's that one thing that you really have to know." She said. "What is it?" I asked worried. "It's ummm." She said. "Baby, let's go." Marcus said. "Will tell you when you are back." Hailey said and I nodded. I took Marcus's hand and we left. We went to a park and Marcus got me ice cream. "Wait! Don't eat it." I screamed. "Why,what's wrong?" Marcus asked. "Let's take a picture first." I said raising my phone. Marcus was looking at me at me with his confused face. I took a picture then I said, "The camera is up here." I said. "You're weird." He said. "So are you." I said. We took a couple of pictures then went walking. "Marcus?" I asked. "Yes?" He said. "I love you. I mean I already said it to you but I really mean it. I fell for you when I first met you. You remember the night of my birthday? That 'kiss' that didn't happen? I am so glad you stayed my friend afterwards. You have been by my side and all. I should have kissed you tho." I said. "It's a past now, I promise to make your future a bright one. I love you." He said and we kissed. "Hey, let's make a!" Marcus said. "Now?" I asked. "Yes!" He said so we went to sit down. "Hey guys, it's Marcus here. I am not with Lucas right now I am with my baby girl." He said letting me in. "Hey guys what's up." I said with a smile. "As most of you know, Mia and I are best friends. But not anymore actually." He said we saw comments like, 'why?' 'Noo.' So I said, "We aren't best friends cause we became lovers. Marcus and I are dating." I said looking at him and we both smiled. We got lots of congratulations then a girl came to us. "Omg!! Hi Marcus and Mia. I was watching your and I was around. I want to tell you how much I love both of you!" She said crying. "Hi, we love you too." I said hugging her. "And congratulations for you two. I am kinda jealous of you Mia but hey keep Marcus happy okay?" She said. "Don't ever worry about it." I said laughing. After that girl left we stayed on for some more. "Get this to 25k guys and Mia and I will kiss!" Marcus said.
*Back Home*
"Hey guys!" Jake said. "Get ready cause tom.." He started. "We are having a party tomorrow." Alissa screamed. "Alissa!" Jake yelled. "Sorry." She said laughing. "What for?" Marcus asked. "First before we moved to a new house and second for the dating between you two." Jake said. "Yaaas!" Alissa said.
*Next morning*
"Morning." Marcus said when I woke up, he was sitting on my bed. "Morning. Been here for long?" I asked. "I don't know I got lost watching you." He said. "I was just sleeping." I said laughing. "I love watching you sleeping." He said smiling. "Okay I am awake now, stop staring at me." I said and he laughed. "What are you doing today?" He asked. "I don't know. I am feeling so lazy." I said yawning. "Me too. Can we cuddle till the night and watch Netflix?" He asked. "Yes!" I said in excitement. "Okay, I will get some snacks from downstairs." He said and left. Alissa and Hailey were up before me. Looks like I am the last one to wake up. I brushed my teeth and hair and brought my laptop and did my bed. "Here." Marcus said giving me chips. "Laziness life is just so awesome!" He said sleeping next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I pressed play. We stayed for so long till it was 6:30. "Marcus we have to go get ready." I said. "Just one more episode." He said. "The one more episode turns out one more season. Get up." I said. "Please?" He said in a childish tone. "After the party." I said. "Okay." He said. I went to get ready. I wore a strapless dress that was black with pink flowers at the top and pink skirt. I curled my hair and went to Marcus's room. "Ready?" I asked when he opened the door. "You look gorgeous." He said. "Thanks so do you." I said. He took my hand and we went downstairs. There were some people already. We greeted people and then we danced for some time. "I am getting some water." I said. I went to the kitchen and found Celest there. "Hi Celest. Where have you been the past few days?" I asked. "Hey. I was sick." She said. "How are you doing? And congratulations for your relationship with Marcus." She said so calm and steady that makes me wanna freak out. "Thank you." I said nervously. "Have you told your parents,yet?" She asked. "I told my dad only." I said. "And your mom?" She asked. "Hey guys. Welcome to our party!" Jake said and cheers followed. Celest and I went out the kitchen. "So today we are celebrating the squad and I moving to this house. And also because my favorite people who I ship have became a couple! Let's congratulate Mia and Marcus!" Jake continued. I looked for Marcus but he was on the other side of the room. He saw me and we both smiled. Then he stopped smiling when he saw Celest.
*Marcus's prov*
I was looking for Mia. When I saw her, I smiled then I saw Celest near her. What is she doing here? Hailey noticed her too. Then she whispered something to Lucas and they both looked at Celest then talked with each other. "What's wrong? And What's Celest doing here?" I said to both Hailey and Lucas.

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