*~Florentina de Hernandez from Princess of Misery~*

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Interview Book: Princess of Misery

Interview Author: @Santana4

Interview Character: Florentina de Hernandez

1. To start us off, how old are you?

Well, currently 100 but in my narrative I was 12-13.

2. What are your secret skills?

I am very stealthy, an excellent swimmer and I know how to wield a gun.

3. What is one thing that people love about you?

I am very supportive and clever of others.

4. What is one thing that people hate about you?

I am very cynical, negative, snarky and sarcastic.

5. What are your strengths?

Stealth, wit, intuition and cleverness.

6. What are your weaknesses?

As aforementioned my cynicism, brashness and lack of belief sometimes hold me back. I’m also a sucker for any really attractive guy.

7. What do you usually do for fun?

I like to swim, hang out with friends, read, sing and dance.

8. Who is your other half (if you have one)?

Dario, unfortunately at the time I was too young for him but we’ve enjoyed a happy marriage.

9. Say three words that describe you.

Clever, snarky, fun.

10. What do others think of you?

It depends, I impress some people with my wit and intellect but offend some people when I’m in a bad mood.

11. Who are your parents? Where are they? (if you’re dead, explain what happened)

Diego and Ana-Lucía de Hernandez. They were the greatest parents I could have asked for. They loved and cared for me and taught me everything I needed to be a polite young lady of society. Unfortunately, though, they were executed by the rebels on December 21, 1916. My mother’s throat was slit and my father was thrown from the bell tower of La Casa Dé Los Ángeles. This is the reason that I’m on this entire adventure in the first place.

12. Do you have any siblings?

Alexander, Jorge, Tomás, Juan, Axel, and Anastasia. They were executed along with my parents. I was the closest to Anastasia and Alexander.

13. What would you name your daughter if you had one?

Pilar, after the greatest friend I’ve ever known.

14. What would you name your son if you had one?

Dario, after the love of my life.

15. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?

About 17 or 18

16. Do you speak any other languages?

Spanish is my first language. I also speak English and a little bit of German, French, Catalan, Portuguese, and Italian.

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