Suicide|| Sam

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Lyndsey's POV
The hate I've been getting from Sam and Colby's fans is getting out of hand. As I read threw the comments on one of my recent posts one comment got to me. It said:
@samsbae96: @samgolbach I don't know how you can date @LyndseyAnn1997 cause she is a sluty whore who is just using you for the fame! If I were you I would break up with her in a heart beat! @LyndseyAnn1997 just do us all a favor and just kill yourself! Jump of a cliff or slit your throat! Sam doesn't love you! Nobody does! You're a worthless piece of shit! Sam and Colby wished that you were dead! You're a ugly ass skank who doesn't care about anyone! You just care about yourself! @colbybrock doesn't love you! He said he wished you got shot in the head or ran over by a train! So just do us all a big favor and kill yourself!
When I was finished reading the comment I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote Sam and Colby a note:
I'm sorry for ruining your lives. I know you guys wish I were dead but I just want you guys to know I love you and I'm sorry for doing this. Sam,I love you to the moon and back and I can't live without you. I can't imagine life without you. Colby,I love you with all my heart and I can't live without you either. It's just the hate is to much for me to handle. Guys, I'm sorry and I hope you understand why I'm doing this. I love you guys.
I finished writing the note and went upstairs. I went in the bathroom and locked the door. I opened the cabinet door and grabbed my pill bottle. I grabbed a hand full of pills and put them in my mouth. I swallowed them and heard the door open downstairs. "Lyndsey were home!" Sam said yelling from downstairs. I lay on the floor and started shaking. "Lyndsey?" Sam said in a worried tone.
"Lyndsey?" I said worried. "Hey uhh Sam you might want to see this." Colby said a little panicy. I walk over to where Colby is and he has a note in his hand. "It's in Lyndsey's hand writing." I said curious to what she had wrote. It read:
I'm sorry for ruining your lives. I know you guys wish I were dead but I just want you guys to know I love you and I'm sorry for doing this. Sam, I love you to the moon and back and I can't live without you. I can't imagine life with out you. Colby, I love you with all my heart and I can't live without you either. It's just the hate is to much for me to handle. Guys, I'm sorry and I hope you understand why I'm doing this. I love you.
When I'm done reading the note my eyes start to tear up. "NO NO NO NO NO NO!" I scream. "Colby help me find her!" I tell Colby. He nods his head and looks upstairs. I look downstairs and don't find her anywhere.
Colby's POV
"Colby help me find her!" Sam says to me breathing heavily. I nod my head and look upstairs. I go into Sam and Lyndsey's room and I don't find her. Then I look out of the corner of my eye I see the bathroom light on. I walk to the bathroom door and knock on it. "Lyndsey, you in there?" No response. "Lyndsey open up please!" I say banging on the door. "Sam come upstairs in your room!" I yell for Sam. Seconds later Sam came running in. "Did you find her!?" Sam says catching his breath. "I think she's in here but the doors locked!" I say still trying to open the door. Sam grabs one of Lyndsey's bobby pins and sticks it in the door. We hear the click and swing the door open. I start to tear up at what I see. Lyndsey's pale body on the bathroom floor."LYNDSEY OH MY GOD!" I scream kneeling next to her and putting her head in my lap. "OH MY GOD!" Sam says doing the same I did. "LYNDSEY STAY WITH ME! BE STRONG!" I said rocking her back and forth. "I love *cough* you." She manages to get out. "SAM CALL 911!" I say as Sam gets up and grabs his phone. "Lyndsey I love you to much to loose you. Please don't go." I say looking her in the eyes as she looks back into mine. "Colby I *cough* love *cough* you too." She said weakly. Sam came back in the bathroom and said that help was coming. "Sam *cough* I love you." She says before slowly closing her eyes. "I love you too Lyndsey." He says before kissing her head. I start breaking down. I held her close to me and cried on her shoulder. I let Sam say his last goodbye to Lyndsey and soon enough I heard footsteps up the stairs. The paramedics came running in and took Lyndsey away in a stretcher. Me and Sam decided to go to the hospital and wait to hear back from the doctors.

About 3 hours later Sam gets a call on his phone. "Who is it?" I ask looking at SAMs phone. "It's the hospital!" Sam shrieked with excitement. "Answer it!" I said making Sam put his phone on speaker. "Hello?" Sam said. "Hi is this Sam Golbach?" They lady said. "Yes it is. Is Lyndsey ok?" He asked nervously. "I'm sorry but Lyndsey is dead." The lady said with disappointment in her voice. I start breaking down in tears. Sam did the same. "I'm so sorry." The lady said. "It's not your fault." Sam said sniffling. "Ok well you have a nice night. Bye." The lady then hung up. Me and Sam hugged each other and cried on each others shoulder. We then released from the long hug. Sam yawned and said "I'm going to bed. Goodnight Colby." Sam said tired. "Goodnight Sam." He shut the door behind him and I started crying. I held a picture of me,Sam and Lyndsey when we were at the beach. I held it against my chest tight and said "Lyndsey..... I hope you can hear me. All I wanted to say is how much I love you and miss your sweet laugh. I remember when you were sick and me and Sam took care of you and bought you ice cream. I remember when ever you were sad, I gave you a shoulder to cry on. And when ever I was sad I had a shoulder to cry on. I remember when we first met. You bumped into me in school and I helped you up. I remember me and Sam walking you home from school everyday. It's gonna suck without you to make me and Sam happy. It's gonna suck when I don't hear you laugh. It's gonna suck're not here to comfort me. I love you with all my heart and I will see you again." I said the last part and started crying heavily. I started to feel my eyes getting heavy. As I started to dose off I said "I miss you Lyndsey." And fell fast asleep with a picture of her in my arms.

Hey guys😜 I hope you enjoyed❤️ I was gonna make a part 2 to this but I decided not cause it would just take longer to get done😂 but I got 1285 words in this👌🏻 but anyways ILYGSM💘


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