Chapter 2 (*)

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Music for this chapter

Breakeven by: The Script



*Sam's POV*

I can't believe that I am actually going through with this. I mean the damage I could do to him... well I mean look at the alternative I could be streaking. No one would let me live it down. It's totally not worth it I mean...

"Sam... Sam.......SAM!"

I snapped out of my day dream and turn and look at Akila, "Sorry.. What'd you say?" I asked sheepishly.

She threw her hands up in the air, "Seriously Sam I was just going on a rant-"

I snapped my fingers together, "Oh yah, about Yale and how you guys want to tell everyone that your together and all that.... Am I right?", I looked up at her expectantly.

She looks at me expectantly, "Yah at least you got the gist of what I was saying. So... what do you think we should do?"

I turned so that I was actually facing her, "Do you want my honest opinion?" She nodded her head, "Well I think you need to tell everyone, especially Neil, the longer you keep your guys's relationship from everyone the worse it's going to be for you."

She looked at me running through what I had said, "You're right Sam, but when should we tell everyone... I mean there's really not a 'time' to just come out and say these kind of things?"

I thought about it for a second until I remembered something that could help, "Well we all are getting together this weekend like we always do, so why not before we all get drunk and wasted you tell everyone?'

She gave me a look, "Are you sure that's the best idea?"

I shrugged, "You asked my opinion, I gave you it."

I grabbed my phone to check the time I knew I had to head out soon in order to make it to the library on time. I got off my bed and started getting all of my school stuff together.

Akila interrupted my packing, "Sam where are you going?"

I stopped and looked at her, "I have to meet Gavin at the library in ten minutes."

Realization crossed her face, "Oh.... well make sure you two are just studying not doing anything else okay?", She winked at me.

I chuckled, "Akila, you have been dating Yale to long his idea of romance is getting to you."

She gave me a look telling me to shut up, "Maybe, maybe not but still, just don't rush it."

I gave her the same look back, "I understand. Now if I don't leave now I won't make it to the library on time. Love you!"

She smiled and blew me a kiss, "Love you too Sam"

I pulled on my jacket and grabbed my phone and headphones, and started walking to the library. I would have taken my bike but the library is what, two blocks away? After about 10 minutes of walking I finally made it to the front of the library; I pulled out my headphones and walked inside. I can't remember the last time I was in the library. I shrugged it off and walked up to the front desk to ask the lady there if she had seen Gavin.


I turned around to see Gavin in his football sweatshirt and sweats. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little impressed. I walked over to him and pulled out a chair and sat down at the table

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