Chapter 6 (*)

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Music for this chapter

Boulevard of Broken Dreams by: Green Day


*Gavin's POV*

"Hey guys I'm home"

I threw my bag down on the ground next to the door and kicked my shoes off. My mom came speed walking around the corner.

She started whispering, "Gavin you have to be quiet Shane is passed out on the couch I don't need him waking up tonight."

I understood where she was coming from, "Sorry Mom I didn't mean to be so loud. Is Rachel here?"

She rubbed her forehead, "I think she's up in her room, maybe I don't know I can't think straight honey."

I grabbed my mom and pulled her in for a hug, "Mom why don't you sleep in my room tonight and lock the door I'll sleep in the living room."

She pushed me back and held onto my shoulders, "Are you sure sweetie I don't want to be a bother, I just haven't been able to sleep a whole lot worried about what Shane is going to do."

I just shook my head at her, "Mom you are never a bother go sleep I will find out where Rachel is don't worry about it, and I'll take care of Shane tonight."

She pulled me in for another hug, "Thank you so much sweetie I don't know what I would do without you."

I watched her turn around and walk up the stairs towards my room. I turned and started walking towards the living room and peaked my head into it and saw Shane snoring with beer cans and bottles around him. I snorted and walked past him and walked towards Rachel's room to see if she was in there.

I knocked on the door, "Hey Rach you in there?"

I got silence in return. I slowly opened the door and looked inside to see if she was asleep.

As I pushed the door open farther, "Rach?"

I didn't see her in her bed and the lights were off so I decided to text her and figure out where she was at.

Gavin: Hey where are you?

Rachel: I'm at Katie's. That's what I was trying to tell you that earlier

Gavin: What are you talking about we haven't talked since the game

Rachel: Exactly I was trying to talk to you and then that new football player interrupted us

Gavin: Oh..... okay I remember now well be safe and tell Katie that I will pick you girls up tomorrow for school

Rachel: Alright I'll see you tomorrow bro. Love you ♥♥♥

Gavin: Love you too

I put my phone down and went back to the living room to figure out what to do with Shane. I decided to leave him there. I grabbed my phone and headed up to my room to grab some clothes. Once I got to my door I quietly opened the door and walked over to my closet trying to be as quiet as I can so that I don't wake my mom up. Once I got my clothes I shut the door behind me and went back downstairs to grab the spare key for my room so that if Shane woke up he couldn't get inside and bother my mother. I stuck the key in my pocket and grabbed my duffle and keys for my truck. I checked to make sure Shane was still asleep before I left. Once I got outside I opened my phone up and called Mitch.

"Heyo, what's happenin Bueller?"

I chuckled, "Hey man is it cool if I crash at your place tonight?"

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