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I worry that young boys and girls are getting the wrong ideas from the older generations, and media. Boys are told from the time they hit puberty that, having sex with all the girls will make them a "stud", and more attractive to the girls. They're also told that "no means yes", and that rape is never their fault because they can't control their sexual urges. Theyre told that girls ALWAYS have to listen to them- abd do what they want them to do. No matter what it is, or what could happen to them.

Girls- they have so much stuff planted in their minds by the time they turn 11 that it's sad. Depressing, really. They're told that rape is always their fault- "you shouldn't have drank that much"; "you shouldn't have passed out"; "you shouldn't have been dressed that way"; "you shouldn't have been out that late by yourself". They're told that they must always obey boys. Don't back talk, don't hit him, don't do what he doesn't want you to do. They're told that if they're at the mall, or the theater, or anywhere public- always take 3 or more friends with them- it will reduce the chances of being raped/kidnapped- because there is strength in numbers. They're told if they ever go to a bar- get a new drink every time they turn around, or go to the bathroom. And ALWAYS keep their thumb over the top if their beer bottles.

Boys and girls are being taught horrible ideas by us as older generations. We need to change that. Raise them to be ladies and gentlemen. Not players and slaves.

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