Chapter 12 - The danger of the unknown yet to come

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Hey thank you for reading my book.

Sorry I haven't uplouded for a while, but got a little bit of writers block reason this chapter is a little short, but I hope you enjoy it...

Chapter 12 – The Danger of the unknown yet to come

It had been around a week since I had started to use my powers and I was getting now better. Scar had been swearing in pain way too much for my liking. The whole school however now knew I was dating the mystery which is Scar Mason, and wouldn’t leave me alone for five minutes. Josh and I had joined the swimming team, and that is where we currently were. I stretched my arms up above me and pushed off the diving board up into the air before angling down so I could do a prefect flip before I skimmed into the water with what I hoped was prefect grace and balance.

“Hey man” said Josh he was the other end of the swimming pool with the other guy members of the swimming team, the girls were sat on the bench not too far away. “What?” I asked walking closer to him through the water; he smirked then nodded towards the other side of the hall. I looked to, to see none other than my boyfriend and Marker; Scar sat on one of the benches the other side of the pool to the girls. He had his elbows on his knees, and then his chin in his hands looking straight ahead and I knew by the blank look on his face that he was see the future. I sighed and pushed on the edge of the swimming pool to get out, one of the other guys on the swimming pool was also gay and Josh thinks he has a crush on me, and to make it seem true the guy whistle as my but surfaced the water. I turned round to frown at him and he winked.

I looked back at Scar to see he was now glaring at the guy, his fist clenched ready to fight for me or my dignity I wasn’t perfectly sure but I defiantly didn’t want him fighting for either at this moment. I grabbed and nearby towel rubbing my hair as I walked over to the now angry looking Scar. “Hey” I said as I reached closer to him, his gaze switched from the guy to me, and a small smile came across his face, I smile back. I didn’t know what emotion he was feeling because we were both wearing are contacts. I sat next to him on the bench and he grabbed my hand and putting it on the top of his thigh.

Which brought back memories of when we nearly slept together around a week ago; neither of us had talked about even though I knew Scar wanted to. “What’s up?” I asked when he didn’t say anything. “We need to go, family meeting” I frowned at this because I am not a member of the family, so why would I be going to a family meeting. “There is something, and even though I hate it your involved so you have to come.” I nodded but looked back to where Josh my best friend was smirking at me wiggling his eyebrows, I sent him a death glare but he just laughed. “Can it wait around ten minutes?” I asked glancing at the clock to see we didn’t have long of the two hours left, Scar squeezed his hand like he was reassuring himself that I was there. I turned once again to look into his face to see two emotion which scared me, pain for one and the other he was scared, scared of losing something and my the way his hand clung to mine it was losing me.

He slowly shook his head and I smile “Right just let me tell Josh I am going, ok” he tried to smile but I don’t think it came off how he wanted it to because it was sort of a grimace. I squeezed his hand and then stood up walking back over to the water edge were Josh swam to, “I got to go” Josh smirked then looked behind me at Scar and his smirk dropped, “Hey is he ok?” I looked back to, to see Scar had put his face in his hands, and if I didn’t know any better I would have said he was crying. I smiled and nodded “Yeah” and then I said “I think” in a smaller unsure voice to my slef. “Well cool man see you tomorrow” we fist pumped then I walked back over to Scar, I took one of his hands that had been on his face he looked up then silently stood up and let me walk him out of the pool and school. When we reached the truck he seemed to snap out of his daze and took the keys from me as I unlocked the door. “I’ll drive” he didn’t sound like his normal confident self, but it was better than the hopeless lost voice then before.

I Scar brought me to the lounge; I was now wearing jeans and a top since I had made Scar let me change before we saw the rest of his family. I was about to sit next to him on the sofa he sat on when he pulled me into his lap, and kissed the side of my neck, light as a feather like a might disappear from under his hands any second. Daisy and Mark sat opposite us and then the brother sat on various sorts of seat around the room apart from Blaine who seemed to be absent. “Tell us what you saw Scar” I felt Scar’s arms wrap round my waist a little tighter. “The normal victim, they were being tortured, by the two guys from most of my other visions, but…” then he trailed off as if he was unable to continue. “But…what?” asked Robbie for the first time since I had known about healers I saw Robbie one hundred present serious. “The victim was Max” there was silence throughout the room, and I felt fear pure scary fear run through my body.

The Mason brothers had filled me in other the past week what the family actually did, they were sort of private detectives slash special forces agents. Using their powers they helped victims which usually appeared in Scar’s visions, but they had been unable so far to find and in prison or kill the two men who had been coming in many of Scar’s resent visions. And this new one meant they would be after me, the Mason family had been keeping track on people going missing of Scar description and it was less than a few days and the visions would some true. “When did you see this?” asked Mark looked worried but calm trying to act confident so not to scare either me or his younger son further.  

“Last lesson” he croaked out his lips still pressed to the back of my neck so his lips brush my skin as he talked. Mark nodded then stood up as if ready for action “Then we are just going to have stop these guys before they get a chance to find him.” Mike stood up next and walked out, then as if in the movies Mike walked out one door looking thoughtful and worried. Blaine walked in the other looking happy and relaxed dancing “I got a date” “I got a date” I took this to mean he had finally asked Brixie out and she said yes which I am sure Suzi had a lot to do with. But he froze as he looked round the room “What happened?” he said looking towards his dad “Max is in danger” his mouth made an ‘O’ shape and all the happiness drained from his contact covered eyes as he grasped the fullness of the situation “Well that’s crap” he said and I actually laughed, making all the people still in the room turn and stare at me in confusion, but I just carried on laughing.

Please tell me what you think

Haze x =)

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