Chapter 8 - Muster the Courage to Find Yourself

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 Chapter 8 – Muster the Courage to Find Yourself

I jumped awake when Mich’s fist made contact with the table right next to my face. I almost fell out my chair, papers flying everywhere. “You really been down here all night?” asked Mich as he calmly sat opposite me, the other side of the kitchen table. I looked round trying to get my stupid brain to wake up, then it hit me I must have fallen asleep down here when I was doing my English, I quickly flicked through the papers in front of me to find my only half finished homework. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for school?” asked Mich after giving up on getting an answer to his first question. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall to see I only had three quarters of an hour to get to school. “Shit” I breathed legging it out of the kitchen, I heard Mich’s laugh follow after. I didn’t have enough time for a shower so I simple ripped my pyjama pants off, throwing them to the corner of my already messy room. Digging in my suitcase which I still had failed to unpack trying to find something suitable to wear. Finally I decided on a pair of black skinny jeans I was holding in my right hand, a black and white stripped t-shirt which I had thrown over my bed in my rush. As I turned to run out of my room pulling on my black converses, I saw my black jacket which looked like I should own a motorbike, and my black hat. I pulled both on as I ran down the stairs picking up my back pack in the hallway. Before sprinting back to the kitchen to pick up my useless homework, I passed by Mich in the hall way and he was still laughing.

As I ran towards the front down I tripped and fell face planting into the carpet, making all the air vanish from my body. “God, Max calm down you’re going to kill yourself at this rate” Mich said but I could see how hard he was trying not to laugh as I watched him from my position still on the floor. I quickly scrambled to my feet, “Right bye” I said as I jumped out the door. As I walked to my truck, everything I found out last night about St. Mason. I believed them and I would today ask them more about it, and ask how I was one of…of them. A Haler.

I yanked open the door to my truck climbing in. I flicked the radio and All time Low filled my car quickly playing my favourite song at the moment, Time Bomb. I started hitting my thumbs on the stirring wheel to the music, as I pulled away from the house. I sang all the way to school, I looked round the still busy car park. The person I was looking for wasn’t there even though I would only just admit to myself I liked Scar, I kept repeating in my head ‘You only want to ask him about Haler’. Even to me it was only half-heartedly.  

I quickly got out of my truck when I saw Suzie and Brixie going towards the metal detectors. As I walked across the tarmac head to them, we around people who were randomly stood on their own or in groups, I thought about if Brixie knew that the guy she had been crushing on for years had magical powers. I could ask her I suppose but she would give me one of three responses one, yeah isn’t it cool, two really wow that’s amazing or three are you insane. And I didn’t really want one of my best friends to think I was crazy. Just as was about to join them, Josh came to stand with them. I walked the rest of the distance to finish the circle. “Oh hey Max, you coming to the game right?” asked Josh, I smiled and nodded raising an eyebrow at both the girls at the same time. I hadn’t heard about a game. “You forgot dude Coach told everyone about it on your second day” I thought back to PE on my second day, but all I couldn’t remember was the fact that neither Blaine nor Scar wasn’t there. Well mostly I cared about Scar.

“Nope can’t remember” I said causing all my friends to roll their eyes even though they had only known me a little while, they all knew I was easily distracted and forgot things to. “Right tonight there is a football game that you promised me as my best friend you would come to support me” he said sounding like he was explaining to a two year old why two pulse two equalled four. Even though Josh being a genius had already explained to me more them once that two pulse two doesn’t always equal four. “Fine, Fine I’ll come for my best mate” I said punching him the shoulder. I heard both girl’s laugh at our guy ways, I had come into the group so easily it felt like I had been here for years, I had Josh who was like a brother form another mother, Brixie my little sister who was a baddass hot chick and didn’t even know it, she has such an odd look on life but also really fun and then Suzi who was like my twin we were so similar but different at the same time.

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