Chapter 7 - Not Just a Story

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Hey so heres the next chapter hope you like it..........

Chapter 7 – Not Just a Story

I slumped back on the computer chair, sighing whilst running my hand through my hair I don’t know what I had been suspecting to jump out at me when I simple typed, the word. What Mason brothers had called themselves and me, Haler. But there was nothing not even a Wikipedia page, nothing. I groaned and rested my forehead on the cold desk in front of me, closing my eyes trying to sort my thoughts. Maybe they had just made it all up, but then that didn’t explain how Matt’s eye had change colour, did all the Mason Brother’s contacts or was that part of Matt’s special power. My eyes snapped open and I brought my head up to stare at the Google screen again. I brought the mouse to click on the search bar and started typing; I look at the search I had just typed before click enter. ‘Powers: Mind reading, eye change colour and can cause pain through mind’ I took a deep breath swallowing my fear before clicking the button which sent me to another Google page.

I looked at the number of finds to see that there was 121,000,000. The first link was to that sparkle vampire Edward Cullen from Twilight. I looked down to see a lot of the links were to one thing to do with twilight. I scrolled down to the bottom, and click the 2 which took me to the next page the top link was about an experiment you can do which can cause your eyes to change colour over time, Biokinesis, very cool put not what I was looking for. I looked back up to my search, and I typed in the words seeing future after mind, I hesitated longer this time with the arrow of the mouse hovering over the search button. I didn’t know why, maybe because by putting these words I would find what I was looking for, or maybe I knew that if this came up with nothing Scar would be lying to me, which caused my chest to hurt just  thinking about.

I shook my head telling myself I was stupid, so what if Scar lied to you. He had no reason not to, everyone in the whole town could be in with the joke, maybe even including Mich. I let my mind wonder this possibility for a while, what if the town was just pulling a joke on the new kid. But then I remembered my purple eyes in the reflection of the door, there was no way any of them could have made that happen, right? I bite into my bottom lip, closing my eyes as I clicked the button. I don’t know how long I sat there with my eyes closed but I knew the page had probable loaded minutes ago, sitting on the screen patiently waiting for me to click it to go to the next thing.  I opened my eyes slowly, the first thing I saw was that it had narrowed down my search but not by much there was now 4,480,000 finds. I sighed again and started scrolling down the first page, there was nothing there of interest, so I clicked back to Google’s original screen.

I slammed my fist next to keyboard I didn’t know why I was so frustrated that I couldn’t find anything on Halers. I thought for a second, about typing in every power they had told me but my eyes got distracted by the four little digits that told me the time. 23:59 were bright green and glowing in the black room, I watched as the numbers turned into 00:00 meaning it was now morning. I hadn’t down any homework, my English being due tomorrow. I also hadn’t revised for my English Lit test today. Miss Jack had told us with we do our homework it would help for the revision of the test. Well thanks to the Mason Brothers I had now done neither.

I looked up at the screen, “I wonder” I whispered to the empty room. I typed in the brother’s last name Mason into the bar and clicking clicked entre before I lost my nerve. Like before there was a large number of finds, but this time when I reached the bottom of the first page there was something there which interested me St. Mason of New Night  I clicked on the blue link, watching it change to purple before the page disappeared in front of my eyes. It was an old website, but there was a painting of St. Mason, he had brown hair which had been painted with grey strands here and there, his face looked kind but old, his eyes were really light green almost yellow. I couldn’t see any similarities between the man and any of the brothers but something pulled me to read on. ‘William Mason, born in New Night, December 1819’ so New Night was not new, if it was New in 1819, I was surprised at myself for thinking this at this moment in time but I focused back on the words on the screen. ‘William Mason; lived in New Night but was known across the country as a Healer or a Haler as it was spoken in those times’ I was frozen I found it the word, the word I had originally typed into Google, there it was meaning Healer in 1819. I thought as soon as I read the word I would get scared and stop reading, but if anything it pulled me to read more. ‘He would heal people who were injured and sick without having to ask what was wrong with his patients.’ Did he have mind reading as well as it looked healing? I licked my lips at this new found information, I couldn’t work out why I was not, clicking the red cross at the corner of my screen and going up stairs to bed, so I could forget all this and complete my English test the next day and carry on till I managed to get out of this place to go to college. But I couldn’t seem to instead I found my eyes reading the next line of texts on the screen.

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