Chapter 11 - Embarrassment of the worst desire

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Hey if you love boyxboy romances you will love this chapter lol you’ll have to wait and see thanks for reading my books…

OK on with the show:

Chapter 11 – Embarrassment of the worst desire

I slowly walked back in to the lounge, to find them all still stood there. Daisy stood up with a kind smile “Are you staying for lunch, Max?” I glanced around to see all the others looking at me. “umm….if that’s ok” I said running hand through my already messed up hair, she grinned and pointed at Mike, Blaine and Vic and then walked out the door. The three brothers she had pointing at got up, rolling their eyes. I went and sat next to Scar, he once again took my hand linking are fingers together “You ok?” he asked brushing my hair out of my eyes and at the same time moving my chin to look at him. I nodded and smiled, “Max” I turned to look at his father instead.

“Would you like to try and contact your powers?” I swallowed I had been thinking about what my power could be for the last half an hour that I had been pacing the floor of that other room. I nodded, and Robbie stood up and I watched again as he started to change so I was stood in the middle of the room. “..W…w.. what’s he doing?” I stuttered, Scar squeezed my hand reassuringly, “He it is so we can see how you change when use your powers” I nodded licking my lips, I stood up unsure, and I felt Scar stand up behind me.

Mark stood up and walked in front of all of us. “Right now, in Scar’s vision you imprinted something in his brain” I turned to raise an eyebrow at Scar, and he smiled back stepping closer probable seeing how terrified I was through my eyes, I couldn’t help but wonder what colour they were  at this moment. I then turned to look at the other me, which was grinning. “So I want you to trying and put something in Scar’s head” I felt my eyes widened, “What how do I do that?” I asked glancing between the three. “If it is like Mike’s just image you’re putting the image inside a box. I nodded and closed my eyes gripping Scar’s hand tighter, I imaged a box, and then I tried to start to image putting the image of Scar’s face close up before he kissed me, in it. When I finally got it in, I heard Scar groan “Shit” he said.

“Langue” I heard his mum shout and he mumbled sorry, I opened my eyes “What, what did I do?” I said feeling guilty. He smiled down at me then kissed my forehead softly “Nothing don’t worry I am fine, try again” he said squeezing his hand he was still holding. I nodded and once again shut my eyes to try again. But again he just shouted in pain, and didn’t see anything.

“I suck at it” I said pouting, when it was only me and Scar, Scar had taking me to his room to rest before lunch since trying to get and image in his head had drained me. “No it takes time” he said, but I shook my head and carried on pacing. Scar’s room was just like I thought it would be, it had black and white walls, a drum kit in the corner then nothing much else apart from a king sized bed with black bed sheets, where he was sat on the end watching me pace in front of him.

“Admit I suck and you know it’s true” he shook his head, trying not to smile. “You have only just started to know about Halers give yourself time” he said reaching out pulling me towards by my belt lope like he had in the car park. I stood in between his thighs and looked over his head, just like I had done when he told me about Markers. “Is Brixie, a Haler” I asked looking down at him, he looked surprised but shook his head “But she is Blaine’s Maker” he again frowned but nodded “Yeah, but he can’t work out how to tell her what he is or even get her to date him.” I nodded trying to take in this information and how funny it was that they both liked each other but the other didn’t know. “What about Suzy and Josh, are they haler’s?” he shook his head again “neither” he said smiling.

Scar fell back on to his back bring me with him since he was still holding my belt loops, so I was laying on top of him, before I could react he flipped us over so I was under his amazing body. “What you doing?” I asked a little surprised and worried, he smiled down at me then started to play with my hair something I wouldn’t think strong, baddass Scar would do. “I love your hair” he said twirling one of the strand of my fringe round his finger.

“Thanks I like yours to” I said running my hands over his shoulders and up the back of his neck to put my hands in his hair, I then moved my hand to his cheek and he turned his face to press and sweet kiss on my pam. I growled at him which made him chuckle “What?” he asked moving closer so are lips were millimetres apart and I almost went cross eyed to keep him focus “I am not a girl” I said, only half behind the statement because of how Scar’s closeness was effecting my body. He brought his head up and grinned “Oh I know” he said with a glint in his eye and he kissed my lips sucking on my bottom one for a moment. The he kissed my chin, then the side of my neck, “Believe me I know” he said running his hand down my chest and abdomen, until he reach my jeans were my excitement was starting to growing, his hand ran across it on the outside of my jeans, and I bite my lip to keep in my moan.

I looked into Scar’s eyes to see they had turned bright green almost glowing with lust, and I am sure if I looked in a mirror now mine would be the same. He crawled back up my body slowly until he could reach my lips with his. I wrapped my arms round his neck kissing him back, I then ran my hands down his back until I reached the end of his top bringing it up pulling away from his lips to take it off and throwing it across the room. He smirked then did the same to my top, before allowing me to explore his half naked body. “I never done this before” I said as my jeans joined our tops on the floor, Scar paused were he had been kissing just above my belly button, he looked back up at me his lips still on my skin “Nor have I” then he carried on with his trail of desire, until he reached the hem of my boxers. And the biggest cock blocker in world came, there was two knocks on the door and Daisy voice came through “Lunch is ready, and Mike says can you both please block your minds he doesn’t need a blow by blow show and he says pun intended” Scar rolled his eyes but rolled off me when I felt my cheeks heat up.

Scar picked up our clothes, as his mum’s footsteps move away from the door. He then came back to me he kissed my flaming cheeks, and smirked at me before pulling on his top. I quickly pulled on my clothes and stood up, Scar pulled me in to his arms and his lips found my ear “Don’t be embarrassed most Marker pairs don’t make it past the hour mark before there at it, it is better than human sex so I am told” he said kissing my skin gently. And I knew what he meant, not that I had ever had sex but I could image because every time he kissed or touched me it was like an explosion going off lighting up all my nervous. “And remind me later to teach you how to shield your mind” I nodded and he pulled me from the room.

I know it short but I Hope you enjoyed this sense, I haven’t decided if I will write a sex sense yet or not but if people want it I will write it =D

Thanks for reading

Haze x

Markers of the Mason Brothers (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now