The next morning I am pleasantly surprised to realize that I didn’t get a bad dream and I don’t see a note anywhere. So I guess you can say I’m pretty happy. My mood suddenly changes though when I realize it’s Sunday, this meant I had to go to work. I work once a week at Six Flags, so by the time I get home I’m all worn out.
I quickly get dressed into my neon green polo and khaki cargo shorts. Today my job was to go around selling frozen lemonades. Great. This meant I was probably going to get chased around and yelled at more than the usual.
“Mom, I’m going to work!” I yell as I leave the house with a doughnut stuffed in my mouth and a mug of coffee in my hand. Before I start driving I plug my phone into the car so that it plays my music, I’ve been into this habit ever since I was small, this way, I was guaranteed to only hear songs that I liked.
The first song that played was “How to Save a Life” by The Fray. It suddenly occurred to me that this song couldn’t be more true to my situation.
Step one: You say ‘we need to talk’ he walks you say sit down it’s just a talk.
When my dad told me about my ‘gift’
He smiles politely back at you, you stare politely right on through,
My dad had tried to lie to me but I saw through his lies.
Some sort of window to your right, as he goes left and you stay right between the lines of fear and blame. You begin to wonder why you came.
When I’m in my dreams, I wonder why I’m there if I can’t help anyone.
Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend.
In my dream I lost Michael.
I was suddenly interrupted from my mental compare and contrast as a car comes whizzing past me I realize, I almost died. I was extra careful for the rest of the drive to work which was pretty long since I live in San Francisco and Six Flags is an hour away.
About a mile after crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, I looked to my right and I saw a man. As I looked at him I noticed he was shockingly familiar. Who was he though? I turn to look at him again but he’s gone. Where did he go? With the morning traffic he couldn’t have gotten anywhere. I probably just need my morning coffee. As if the sky heard me, the traffic seems to go by quicker than usual, meaning I have enough time to go to starbucks.
I seem to wake up just at the thought of coffee, I find myself looking to my right every so often to see if there is a Starbucks near. HAH! I SEE ONE!! I drive into the parking lot and pretty much find the closest parking spot possible, then when I get out of the car I run, no I sprint, inside heaven, also known as Starbucks.
I groan when I walk in, there’s a line. I actually don’t know why I’m surprised, there’s always a line. I guess I’m just in desperate need of my coffee. I line up behind a girl, she was short, she had average length, brunette hair, and she was wearing a white shirt and shorts. In the winter? I mean… I guess.
I don’t know what it was that possessed me to actually ask the girl why she was wearing shorts, but I did. “Umm. Why are you wearing shorts in the middle of winter?” I ask trying to sound the least rude possible.
The girl turns to look at me with a face that could kill, she then proceeds to mug me, “You’re wearing shorts too.”
I smile, “I’m a guy so we aren’t exactly begging people to look at our legs,” then I point to the Six Flags logo on my shirt, “plus it’s part of the uniform.”