Chapter 3

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We got to the beach and it was about 11:00 so we sat down on the stone and just chatted for a bit.

Mark got up and said "Come on Zoë lets go down and take photos by the sea!" "What about Alf?" Zoë asked. It made me happy that she was thinking about me and not just ditching me. "Umm, well okay he come as well I guess." Mark said just loud enough for us to hear. I jumped up and said "C'mon them!" Trying to lift the mood. 


As Alfie ran down to the beach I quickly asked Mark "Is everything alright?" "Yeah." He said sulkily (is that a word) I just ignored it and ran to catch up with Alfie I really didn't know what was up with Mark. When Mark finally got down to where Alfie and I were standing I offered to take a picture of Mark and Alfie so Alfie stood in front of the camera smiling and Mark put on a fake smile I snapped the picture before Mark stopped smiling. "I guess you guys want me to take a picture of you two" Mark snapped. "Umm if you could please." I said awkwardly. "Huh!" Signed Mark (Idk how to spell a sigh soz) 

Alfie's P.O.V

"I could then take a pic of you and Zoë together?" I offered even though I didn't want to 


Hi guys btw I do like Mark so if anyone finds this offensive I'm sorry.

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