@Zonkey2 Thank you so much for the pregnancy announcement idea 🤰🏼
Alfie P.O.V
I had the perfect idea! I needed to convince Zoë that we should film a bake off then when she cuts into my cake it will have a present and inside will have the pregnancy test. Also I have some cool little ways for telling the family and then once we tell friends and family we will upload the bake off! Perfect. Now to get started on stage one of my plan. Zoë and I are about to go out shopping.
In the shops
"Zoeeee, can we film a bake off?"
"Alf, that's a great idea! Let's go buy some stuff but separately, I don't want you to be stealing any of my ideas"
"Hahahahaha"Zoë's P.O.V
We got back home and I was so excited to film a bake off with Alfie! Alfie was setting up the cameras and lights whilst I was setting up the backgrounds. I grabbed all my ingredients and Alfie grabbed all his but he said he had a secret ingredient in a bag that I couldn't see. Alfie was baking in the sitting room (not the cosy room the other one) and I was filming in the kitchen. There were two cameras set up and we had 2 hours to finish our bake. "READY, SET ,BAAAKKKEE!!!" I screamed at the top of my voice (or is it the top of my lungs, I have no clue 😂😂)
2 hours later
It was the time for the big reveal. I was pretty confident with my rainbow cake! Alfie bought his cake into the kitchen and I'm not gunna lie it looked pretty impressive!
Alfie's P.O.V
I was so nervous. Was this a good idea? Should I just have told her straight away? Will she be mad for lying to her? I hope she likes what I've done. She looked pretty impressed when I took my cake into the kitchen. We cut into Zoë's cake first and it was amazing she had chosen to do a massive rainbow cake. I was so anxious as it came to my turn to cut into my cake. I asked Zoë to do it for me. She cut into the cake and saw the present and looked confused she took it out and ...
Agh cliff hanger hehe. Guess you'll have to wait to see if Zoë's happy or not I mean she did say she wasn't sure whether she was ready to be a mum...