5 weeks later
Zoë's P.O.V
I was feeling really ill and can't stop being sick. I've had this illness for a about a week and Alfie's keeps bugging me about taking a pregnancy test but I told him that it just feels like a normal sick bug and there's nothing different but he's still very keen on me taking one. Im not sure I'm ready to be pregnant the ideal situation was that I would be married then in a couple of years have children but not everything can be planned. I just hope if I am pregnant that Alfie doesn't feel like he's to young to be a father and ditch me with a baby.
Alfie's P.O.V
I woke up and went to cuddle Zoë to realise that she wasn't there I then saw that she was in the toilet being sick again that was it I told Zoë I was just going down the road to the shop. I came back with a pregnancy test ...
Zoë's P.O.V
Alfie handed me the pregnancy test and told me to take it so i went into the bathroom and took the test I waited 2 minutes but I couldn't build up the courage so I left the bathroom Alfie looked at me and said "soooo," I told him that I couldn't look and asked him if he could do it for me. He came out of the bathroom and said ...
Ik it's kinda obvious and it's really short but I posted a chapter about 10 minutes ago and I'm tired 😴 Lygsm ❤️