A/N Thank You for all you're support I hope you enjoy this terrible chapter ❤️
Alfie's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of laughing so I went up into Zoë'a little office area to see Zoë and Mark in absolute hysterics so I asked "What's so funny that you're laughing loud enough to wake me up?" Zoë and Mark looked up at me and said "Nothing" in unison and then burst out laughing I shook my head and walked back down the stairs to get ready. Once I had finished getting ready I heard a knock at the door so I went to see who it was. I opened the door to see a red eyed Joe stood at the door "Joe come in! Are you alright?" Joe walked in as Mark and Zoë ran down the stairs obviously to come see who it was.
Joe P.O.V
Emma and I had just broken up I was devastated I didn't know where to go as I had moved into her apartment and sold mine. The only place I could think of was Zoë's so I drove to Brighton. Alfie opened the door obviously seeing that I had been crying and invited me. Then I saw Zoë and Mark Ferris come down. I said Hi to my sister and her friend. Zoë and I went up stair so that we could talk privately I told her all about Emma and how she had been cheating for months since we'd been together. Zoë gave me some sisterly advice and we went downstairs to see Alfie and Mark just stood there I could feel the tension.
Mark's P.O.V
Zoë and Joe had gone upstairs and left me and Alfie here together I mean I don't dislike Alfie he's just the one who's stopping Zoë and I become the biggest internet couple. I was so happy when Zoë and Joe came down.
Alfie's P.O.V
Mark was finally going home and I couldn't be happier I feel like me and Zoë really need some time with just us so I offered to take her out to a restaurant so that's exactly what we did and then ... (I'm not gunna finish the rest of the night coz you know)
Hey Sorry for a short chapter another one coming soon x ❤️