I feel so bad I haven't updated it agess So here's the next chapter after I kinda left you on a cliff hanger... Oops!
Alfie's P.O.V
I was sat on the edge of the bed waiting for Zoë to come back in and tell me what it said. She walked into the room my heart stopped she told me that she couldn't build up the courage to look at the results and asked me to do it instead. I walked into the bathroom my head spinning, my heart pounding. I looked down at the results and saw...
Ok that's it. Thanks for all the support recently it really does mean a lot also I suggest if you haven't already you download the app because it's so much better! I'm joking I can't leave you here with this it would kill me 😂😂 (Anyone updated there IOS if so what are your thoughts on the new emojis 🎄) ( Also soo excited for Christmas) You probably all skipped this if you didn't comment #zalfiebaby down below!
Alfie's P.O.V
And saw positive. I was having a baby tears sprung to my eyes I was so excited and anxious and so many other feelings. How do I tell Zoë? I don't know but for now I'm going to hide the pregnancy test and tell her it was negative and then think of a cool way to surprise her. I dried my eyes and went back into the bed to tell Zoë the "news" I told her it was negative and saw the disappointment in her eyes and it just killed me I just want to tell her right now but I want it to be special because that's what she deserves something special.
Zoë P.O.V
Alfie came back into the room and told me that i wasn't pregnant. I was so disappointed but maybe it's all for the best and maybe I'm just not ready to be a mum. But it would have been so cute having a little, cute baby in the house a zalfie baby! I don't know but I'm really tired.
Agh such a bad ending. Ok I need help I need an idea for how Alf can tell Zoë?! Someone please help! ❤❤