Chapter 14: Sorry, Yes I'm Sorry.

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"Put ya titty in his mouth, so he can stop crying" Tyrese said as he held the camera on Taraji sitting in a corner in a reclining chair. "I am, but he keeps latching on sideways...Ouch" she winced as she pulled her nipple away from the baby's mouth. "Ty, can you put the damn camera down & hold the baby real quick." "I thought you was feeding him" he said as he grabbed the baby. The camera being covered by the palm of his hand. Taraji took her shirt off & walked into the restroom, the buzzing of her breast pump echoing in the quietness. The video cuts off & starts back up with her in frame on the bed holding TJ in her arms.

"How ya titties feel, baby?" he smiled behind the camera, walking closer to her. "They hurt, do you hear me?" she whispered as she caressed the baby's face. "He's so beautiful" she said in awe. Tyrese sat down next to her, then kissed her lips, his attention now on the sleeping baby. "That's because he looking more & more like his pops...Look at my boy" he put the camera closer to TJ's face. "Move before you wake him up" Taraji said, pushing the camera away, only to have Tyrese put it all in her face. He puckered up his lips & moved closer to her. She leaned back. "C'mon here & give me a kiss" he said with a smile. She kissed his lips then took the camera & turned it off.

He sighed the swiped over to a picture he took of TJ & Taraji that same day, then one with Shayla, then one with all three kids & Taraji. The last one he stopped on was one of Marcell & TJ. It would be one whole month in a few days since he seen Taraji & though he wanted to call her, he figured he'd just give her the time she needed. He didn't want to fight anymore, all he wanted to do was hold her. Shayla missed her like crazy & was sad when she realized Taraji had taken TJ & not her. Most nights she would cry before bed & it killed Tyrese to see his baby like that. But Taraji did talk to her on the phone whenever Shayla called, promising her she would return & things would be back to normal, but more days went by & she never showed.

"You need to eat something, Tyrese" Reba said as she walked into the living room. "I made lunch, it's just some sandwiches & chips, but it's food. You need to go grocery shopping as soon as possible."

"Yeah I know, Imma go soon...I just don't feel like moving today."

"You haven't been feeling like moving for the past two weeks" she said as she sat the plate down on the table in front of him. He moved his feet down onto the ground. "Everything is going to be fine, she'll come around."

"Yeah I hope so. What's Shay doing?" he took a bite of his sandwich & ate a few chips.

"Sleeping. You two have done that a lot & it's sad...Get out of the house, go get ice cream, go to a movie, a museum, something kid friendly. Just perk up, Tyrese."

"That's easier said than done, Reba. But I appreciate the food, thanks" he said as he scooted the plate away. Reba sighed as she walked away.

"I see y'all tomorrow...Hey Marcell" she said as she walked out of the door, as he walked in.

"Hey how you doing Ms. Reba." "I'm good. Listen baby, see to your father. He's a little more in his feelings today" she said as she dug in her purse for her car keys.

"Yo, Ty!" he shouted as he looked around for him. He saw him watching the TV on mute in the living room. "Yo, Ty man, is it cool if I jump in the studio?"

"You know you don't have to ask me man, ya my son now."

"Yeah I know, but it's a habit...You're still walking around here sad, man? She's coming back, I promise you she is" he said as he sat on the corner of the table. "How you know, you talk to her?" Tyrese asked as he sat up straight on the couch.  "As a matter of fact I did. She was staying at my grands house."

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