I'll Take Their Broken Wings And Learn To Fly

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I was heading towards Berk. They looked like they needed to have a good snow storm. Berk was where I went to blow off some steam, and because of that, it snows nine months out of the year.

As it so happened, I had perfect timing, because as soon as I landed, a dragon raid just ended. Berk suffered from violent dragon raids, their livestock and houses taking most of the damage. The occasional person died here and there, but that was what they called an "occupational hazard." Currently, the people were all mumbling about someone named "Hiccup," who apparently ruins everything he touches. Oh well.

I did what I came here to do; I shot up into the sky with a laugh and let snow fall from the sky. It fell gently and quickly, covering the ground with snow in a couple minutes. The adults started to mumble about it, and the children ran around happily, starting a snowball fight and making snowmen. At least some people in the village knew how to have fun.

I quickly grew bored with the village and found myself wandering the forest that surrounded it. I covered tree after tree with my fern-patterned frost, walking around with careless abandon. It was peaceful and quiet, almost the exact opposite of the village. I always felt better walking around in the forest; it was where I was reborn after all.

And then I heard someone start to sing in the distance.

"I see that~" it sang. I froze, trying to decipher which direction it was coming from. The voice was mesmerizing and beautiful, and I had to know who the source of it was. I shot through the trees in a flash, picking a direction and flying that way.

"Look in your eyes~" it continued. The singing was low and cautious, as if it was worried about anyone overhearing. But I heard it, and I was getting closer.

"I know I can't~" the voice was obviously male at this point, which was surprising. But then again, no one sings in this little village, so even hearing the little song was a shock in the first place.

"Do anything right. But can you blame me... if I try?~" I found the voice. It was coming from a small teenage boy, 15 or 16 at most. His auburn hair fell into his bright green eyes slightly. He was scrawny, and had a thousand freckles dusted over his cheeks.

"When I try?~" I noticed he had tears forming in his eyes. He looked up at the snowing sky, letting a tear fall down his cheek. My heart broke for the kid, and my emotion made the snow fall slow and soft. When he continued, his voice was steady, despite his tears.

"But what you don't know is that I try for you, to make it up to you~" He said, the tempo of his song changing dramatically. There was a genuine sense of sadness and regret in his voice. "But all I accomplish is broken hearts and empty dreams... all I accomplish is broken hearts and empty... dreams~"

He wrapped himself in his arms, shivering slightly. I felt bad for him; it was freezing and all he had to wear was a long-sleeve, pants, boots and a fur vest. The kid was crying now, but wasn't letting out a sound. He bit his bottom lip, and let the tears fall out freely. He sat himself down in the snow, which let me know that there was something really wrong; he sat down willingly into the snow, after all. I wandered closer to him. His face was in his hands. He was breathing hard.

The kid was cute. No, not cute. He was Grade- A adorable. I won't even deny that I said that because it was the truth.

"I... I ruin everything!" The kid was sobbing. "But... but I really did hit it this time... and they don't believe me!" He mopped his eyes and stood up. I ducked behind a tree, even though I knew he couldn't see me anyway. "Ugh... stupid dragons... stupid Dad... stupid snow..." He started to mumble, walking in the direction of the village. His arms wrapped around himself again.

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