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Jack sniffled as the snot in his nose started oozing again. He would've thought it was funny and gross and cool as all little boys did, but Jack wasn't a little boy anymore (at least not physically). He was a college student who was stuck in his dorm on the couch, wrapped tightly in blankets and the quilt his oh-so-loving boyfriend slash roommate had received from his father, Stoick, suffering from a nose that couldn't decide whether to be stuffy or runny or both, and a body temperature that made him feel cold and hot and cold again.

And the worse part?

No cuddling.

That's right. No snuggling on the couch or arms over the shoulders and no sharing beds. No hanging over said shoulders as their owner sat at his desk happily sketching away on another picture or fiddling around with a new invention. No wrapping arms around waists while the other was cooking and no resting heads on laps during reading time and no hugging during naptime. No kissing every single freckle on his boyfriend's adorable face and obviously, no smooching the daylights out of him either.

No, he wasn't clingy. What are you talking about?

Jack sighed and looked at the clock hanging above the T.V. (also a gift from Stoick), Hiccup should be coming home soon. It was boring being in their dorm by himself. He would've turned on the T.V., but the remote was too far and Hiccup being Hiccup didn't want to disturb Jack that morning by making any unnecessary noises so early when he should be resting.

But Jack wasn't sleeping anymore and the remote was on the other end of the table and his 3DS was in their bedroom (actually, it was Hiccup's bedroom, but the two shared the bed so often it didn't really matter anymore...don't give him that look! Jack swore Hiccup's bed was way more comfy than his!), and it took too much energy to set up their other games and Jack didn't feel like moving lest he suffer more aches and pains.

"Hiccuuuuuuuuuuup, come hoooooooooome," He groaned in a nasally voice rivaling Hiccup's during his early puberty days. Too focused on his whining, Jack didn't notice the freckled teen coming in.

"I wasn't gone that long was I?" Hiccup asked, closing the door shut and locking it, the plastic bag hanging off his arm crinkling with the movement, "I only had one class today and I went to pick up some more cold medicine."

Jack rolled onto his side, "I'm just bored," he closed his eyes and sighed happily when he felt Hiccup's cold hands on his forehead, "Can you get my 3DS? If I'm stuck here, I might as well try breeding for a Shiny Amaura," he sniffed again.

"Sure thing, after you eat and take your medicine."

"But it tastes gross!" he stuck out his tongue. Hiccup smiled and teasingly poked Jack's cheek on his way to their kitchen.

"I didn't realize I was dating a five-year-old," he dug into the bag and pulled out two bottles, one filled with a thick dark substance and the other a bright orange and put them away in the cabinet, "I'll make you some soup, maybe it'll distract you from the taste of artificial orange."

"Can I have tea?"

"Yes, I'll brew you some tea," he replied from the kitchen, taking out a box of peppermint teabags and a mug (a gift from Emma, painted blue with snowflakes and a little snowman on the side), "Then you're taking your medicine."

Jack groaned again and buried his face in his pillow, "But I don't wannaaaa..." He heard a muffled snicker, "Are you laughing at me?!"

Hiccup coughed in a poor attempt to cover his laughing, "I'm sorry, I just-I can't take you seriously when you sound like that," he went back to the living room and leaned on the back of their couch.

"Oh! So this is how it is!" Dramatically pulling out his arm and placing the back of his hand on his forehead, "So cruel! Laughing at my pain! My suffering!" He clutched at his chest with his other hand, "I cannot live, knowing the love of my life finds enjoyment as I lay here on my deathbed!" he coughed weakly for effect.

The brunette chuckled, "It's just cold medicine, Jack, it'll knock you out when you take it before bed."

"I have to drink it twice?!"

"No," Jack perked up, "You have to drink the daytime medicine after you eat, THEN the nighttime before going to sleep if you want to breathe comfortably."

Jack flopped back on his pillow, "Can we at least cuddle? I think I deserve it for going through with your demands."

"We'll see," Hiccup went back to their kitchen and poured hot water from their electric water heater (from Jack's uncle, Aster) into the mug and brought it over to his needy boyfriend, "You can drink this while I start on your soup," he placed it on the table.

"Ouch!" Jack quickly pulled back his hand from the steaming hot mug, he blew on his fingers to cool them down, "Is it chicken noodle soup?"

"Yes, it's chicken noodle soup." The quiet clanging of pots and pans (from Jack's foster parents, North and Ana) echoed from the kitchen.

"Are you gonna spoon-feed me?"

"How needy are you?"

"Hey, you agreed to this relationship."

"You know what. I stand by my rule. No cuddling."


Yet again go afar and travel Wattpad to the next chapter (say in Gandalf voice) BUT DON'T YELL IT! My neighbours think I'm crazy enough with out adding more yelling to the mix! Now 🔜 I am your father YODA!!!! Whoooooah it just got real in here. You know what I'm putting no don't ask on this one so do ask and I will reply with "..."

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