Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Curiosity Killed the Cat

The day went on uneventfully. After the "great" entrance of the new guy, I told the girls about my rather unpleasant/scary meeting with him.

They were shocked to say the least. First of all they couldn't believe I forgot to mention something like that. Quite frankly, I completely forgot about the whole incident with him until I saw him... I don't know how, but it just went completely out of my mind.

Anyway, they both weren't happy to hear about his reaction and Kathy was over angered when I told her what he called me.

She really hates it when a boy calls a girl a bitch, something about it beeing extremely sexist.

At least it helped to diminish her infatuation with him, even though you could still see a spark of interest in her eyes. I think that's because of his dark allure.

I think we could call him a bad boy, I mean everything about him, (from his behaviour to his looks), seemed copied line by line from a bad boy's guide.

He wears a leather jacket with ripped jeans, he has an eyebrow piercing and I'm ready to bet that he has tattoos hidden somewhere under his shirt.

He rides a black motorbike and doesn't hesitate to send a warning glare to whoever even so much as blinks in his direction. Now tell me if this isn't the clicè image of a bad boy?

Anyways, I do find it surprising that the past week went on smoothly, he simply avoided everyone. He made no attempt to make friends, he simply kept to himself and ignored everyone.

It was almost as if he never came. Almost.

Even the girls who we could defined as "easy", didn't have the courage to approach him. And that's saying a lot, as he is really good looking... well that is if you like the dangerous, bulky muscly type.

We later found out that his name is Zach Emerson. But that's about all the information we have about him.

Even Kathy wasn't able to find out anything about him, and she is usually really good at finding out everything on everyone.

The truth was that no one ever got close enough to him to actually talk to him.

I sigh heavily and I rest my head on my desk. It's Saturday afternoon and I'm at home trying to study. Put extra attention on the word "trying".

I've been stuck on the same exercise for an hour now. Trigonometry really isn't my favourite subject.

Yes, I know, who studies on a Saturday afternoon? Well, apparently I do.

Tomorrow we decided to have a family day, as lately my parents have been busier than usual, and usually they are busy people, so you can imagine how much I've seen them recently.

So to avoid having a dirty conscience, I decided to do my homework today, but obviously it's not working, since I've been thinking about the most trivial things, instead of concentrating on my homework.

Usually when I think too much, I go out and I run. Running is really therapeutic, it helps me to free my mind. But I guess that is not an option right now, because my running path passes right by the Richardson's House. So no thank you.

Call me paranoid, but better safe than sorry. And if I imagined another light I would feel very sorry.

My phone starts beeping, indicating that I've received a new message. I quickly take out my phone and notice that the message is from Jennifer.

-we were thinking about hanging out at The Maracuja. You in?-

I immediately busy myself and I start typing back -I'm in baby! Who's coming? - it doesn't take long for her to answer - just the three of us- referring to Jenni, Kathy and I. - we'll pick you up at 6 - .

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