Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

One, two, three release; one, two, three release... This has now become a routine for me, concentrating on my breaths while I'm running is a good way to give your mind a break from dreadful thoughts.

I find running very therapeutic, it definitely helped me to remain sane these last few years.

When I look at my surroundings, I'm greeted by the usual scenery created by the long row of trees that flank the street. 

You could actually see the slight change in the colours of the leaves, as we were facing the last few weeks of summer and getting ready for autumn.

I sigh as I realize that It's starting to get dark, time really seems to go on fast-forward when I run. I better get home, my parents wouldn't be happy with me if they knew that I was out when it was dark, especially when they weren't there.

They were celebrating their twenty fifth marriage anniversary this year, so they decided to go somewhere special during the weekend. Dad really put great effort in organising everything, and keeping Mom oblivious to his projects, which is a really difficult thing to do since she is a control freak and hates surprises.

For good measure Dad decided to not tell me as well, in order to avoid Mom from discovering the surprise... well, suffice it to say that she can be pretty persuasive. So here I am not having a clue on where they are.

The only thing I know is that wherever they are going, they're not going to have their mobiles, laptops or any technological device. For them that would mean a break from everything, as their job consists in that, I guess you could call them informatics geniuses (they work for some company connected to the government, informatics security and such).

Obviously the "no technology" policy of this journey made Mom go into her protective mama bear mode and just thinking about our discussion made my head ache.

<<Mom, it's fine! Just go and have fun, this is yours and dad's anniversary, I'll be fine>> I tell her while giving her a meaningful look <<Are you sure? maybe you could come with us, I promise it's going to be fun! >> she says excitedly, trying to convince me. 

<<No, Mom, this is supposed to be your day. I'm going to be perfectly fine. I don't see what's all the fuss about... I mean this wouldn't be the first time I was alone at home. >> I say a bit exasperated.

This discussion has been going on for way too long. <<Yes sweety, but usually there always was someone with you, and to make it worse, we won't even be reachable. >> she stops talking when she sees my skeptical face <<ok fine, maybe I'm exaggerating, but hey I'm your mom, It's my job to worry. I mean what if something happens, what if you get hurt? or worse... After what happened to Lexi... >> She suddenly stops when she mentions "her".

My face was a mix of sadness and anger. I can't believe that she brought this up, she knows perfectly well that it's a sensitive matter to me.

I've done my best to bury those events and now it's all out in the open, because of one name. I start taking deep breaths, trying to calm down.

Realizing her mistake, Mom tries immediately to mend the situation <<I'm sorry sweety. How about a deal? I would feel a whole lot better if you called a few friends over, so you won't be all alone in this big house. Why don't you invite Jennifer and Kathy for a sleepover? >> That pretty much ended our discussion. But what really made Mom, stop was seeing how upset I got, it was her way of taking my mind away from those sad thoughts, and to bring my attention to happy ones.

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