Chapter 2: The Lapis City - Part 1:

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Narrator's Point Of View

Lucas and Jesse jumped through the portal, sliding over to the sides. Petra skidded through the same time as Ivor, riding a huge wave of water. He bowled Petra over before being swept into another blue portal. Lucas and Jesse took off their glass bowels before racing after him. "Ahhhhh... Not again!" Petra cried, getting to her feet and removing her own bowel. She took off after the others into the other portal (As seen by us in Episode 7).

Jesse's Point Of Veiw

"IVOR!" I cried as the blue light around me faded and I saw Ivor below me. He looked up but didn't move in time. I fell on him with a grunt. Next came Lucas, on top of me. And then Petra, on top of Lucas. "" Ivor gasped. "Sorry Ivor." Petra said. She rolled off of Lucas, but Ivor was getting impatient. Or might that have been breathless? Either way, he crawled out from under us and Lucas fell on my back. Hard. Petra grabbed Lucas' hand and Ivor helped me.

Once we were on our feet, we stared around at the world we were now in. "Well, this seems pretty normal to me." Lucas said enthusiastically. There were trees all around us and fresh green grass beneath our feet. There was a patch of sunflowers over by some of the trees. I went over to have a look. "Well, this is defiantly better than the last two. It was starting to seem like we had hopeless luck at picking decent portals." Petra mused as I stood up. "I wouldn't be so sure of that." Ivor said, pointing above the trees. We all looked at where he was pointing. A beautiful lapis-blue city rose above the trees, and Ivor was looking excited. I knew he loved lapis. "Don't get too excited," I reminded him. "We still don't know if those citizens are friendly or not."

Suddenly, we heard the sound of an argument over behind some trees. Glancing worriedly at eachother, we advanced forward to where the sound was coming from. I peered around some trees, and was astonished by what I saw there. Two people, one looked like a guard of some sort, the other a griefer, were staring eachother down like two wolves. "Catch me if you can, then." The griefer-looking one snarled. The other crossed his arms, like he'd heard it all before. He drew his iron sword, as if challenging the other one. "Remember, we now know where you and your gang hide." The guard one answered. "Someone would've thought you'd bring more back-" His eyes drifted over to me. I ducked behind the tree. He let out a high laugh. I peered around again, the others holding their breath. But he wasn't there anymore. The other man was looking around in what seemed like worry. I was about to reveal myself to him, but a strong hand had suddenly grabbed me by the collar again, hoisting me high off the ground. I only had to hear the shrill laugh behind me to know who it was.

"You send a little girl to help, eh officer? A sweet little girl!" The griefer cackled. "Let her go!" Petra hissed, drawing her sword. The others did the same. It seemed like the first time he noticed them. He smiled. "A whole troop of them? Awwww, how sweet..." He croaked. I twisted in his grasp, trying to get free.

Lukas' Point of View

Jesse gave us a pleading look as she struggled to get away. The stranger was standing on top of a tree, somehow, and was holding her by the collar of her armor. The second stranger was holding his sword in a menacing way. "Let her go!" Petra repeated. "Or what?" The stranger with Jesse snapped. "Keep holding her and find out." I shot back. Jesse, by now, was looking very fed up with this whole affair. She was dangling from her armor, and had a look of impatience on her face. It looked like she was waiting for something. But what?

I suddenly realized what she was waiting for. Her foot reached down and hooked over the leaves as the stranger lowered her slightly. She had been trying to make herself heavier, so that the stranger would lower her enough to perform a little trick of hers. Jesse pulled down using her foot as Ivor let off another threat. The stranger suddenly noticed Jesse's gain of weight and pulled her all the way up so that she was standing in front of him. This was what she had been waiting for.

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