The Farmer's Land - Part 2

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Jesse's Point Of View

"Ouch! That's my foot, Ivor!"

"Who poked my eye?"

"I didn't mean to!"

"Everyone stop moving!" I shouted and we all froze. Apparently, this hole wasn't meant for four people to fit into. "We need to figure out how to get out, and accidentally poking someone's eye isn't going o help."

"I said I didn't mean to," Ivor whined. "I knew that sheep was evil," Petra spat, looking up at the cloudy sky. I gazed upwards too. "Lukas," I said, turning around to face him and hitting Ivor accidentally with my elbow. "Oh, sorry Ivor. Do you think you could give me a boost?" Lukas nodded and ducked as Ivor's arm flew out as he tried to keep balanced.

 "Ivor, stop moving!" Lukas hissed, squeezing past Ivor and over to my side. He put his hands together to form a kind of step, and I stepped up onto them. Then I sprang up and grabbed the side of the hole, hanging there with my two hands. 

Below, my absence had created more room, and the others spread out gratefully. I glanced down before continuing to climb out. As my head reached the top of the hole, however, I was met by a grumpy face. "Who are you? What are you doing in my wolf trap?"

I yelped and let go of the ledge in surprise. I fell down onto my teammates below. A sunburned face with a broad-brimmed hat peered down at us angrily. "Are you the ones stealing my sheep?" The man asked, staring down at us as I shook my head.

"Stealing sheep?" I replied in bewilderment. "Here we go again," I heard Lukas mutter to Petra under his breath. "We haven't stolen anything! We found that tiny sheep," I indicated to the lamb, whose head was gazing down at us as well. "And wanted to return it." The farmer glanced at the sheep and scowled. "You silly little pup!" He told it. "I asked you to find wolves not people. Hear the difference there?" The sheep cocked it's head and wagged it's tail.

The farmer sighed. "Sorry about that," He called down. "This is my new sheep dog. I was teaching him to round up a pack of wild wolves that keep eating my sheep. You come from a portal, I'm guessing?" I nodded. "We're just trying to get home." I replied. "And did you say that was a dog?!" Lukas asked him. The farmer nodded. 

"I dressed him up to look like a lamb, see? Then when the wolves came to take him, they'd find something else!" The farmer gave a small chuckle. "Wow," Lukas muttered. "We had - literately - a wolf in sheep's clothing." The farmer laughed again. "You could say that, lad!" He looked around. "Anyway, best get you out of that hole, eh? Then you can help me find these wolves."

"Help you find wolves?" Ivor called. "Your dog just kidnapped us! Why would we help you?" The farmer looked down at us warily, as though he got tired of people saying that. "Help me and I'll get you back to that portal hallway," He offered. "Deal." I replied.

I heard the others groan behind me. I ignored them. 

Petra's Point Of View

We waited behind a large rock. It was dusk, and, luckily, the farmer told us that there was no danger at night, only when the wolves begin hunting. The little sheep-pup was sitting next to me, it's tail wagging, still in it's sheep costume. 

I peered over the rock with the others. The pup jumped up on it's back paws, resting it's front ones on the rock, and butted my hand. Eyes glued to the heard of grazing sheep, I moved my hand upwards absent-mindedly. The pup whined and pawed my hand, scratching it with it's sharp little claws. "Ow, ow!" I complained. I moved my hand further away. The pup whined even louder. 

"Oh, pat him, will ya?" The farmer hissed looking over at me. "He won't stop, and his whining'll warn the wolves." I ran my scratched hand over the pup's smooth head. He fell silent immediately.

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