Ice Lakes: Part 2

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Jesse's Point Of View:

I started open-mouthed at the huge wolf in front of us. Now I know what Nanuk said about visitors being 'gotten by the wolves'. The Alpha lifted it's head and sniffed the air. We stayed as still as possible.

Then one of the smaller wolves, the first one, nudged the Alpha with it's nose. The bigger wolf looked across at us and it's eyes gleamed menacingly. It crouched and began to circle us, looking for the best way in.

We held our breath and pressed closer together so that not even a silverfish could have slipped in behind us.

"W-what's it doing?" Petra hissed, keeping her eye nervously on the wolf.

"It's studying us," Ivor whispered back. "Seeing where our weak points are."

"Well, we'll just have to make sure it can't find any," I said confidently. "Close in. Make sure there's no way this wolf can get through."

We shifted around so that no angel was uncovered by a sword or bow, and I death-stared the wolf as it came back around.  It stopped in front of me, it's muzzle just inches from my face. It breathed heavily on my face.

"Ugh," I complained. "Wow. You have... terrible breath."

The wolf seemed to take offense from that. It raised it's head and howled. At once, all the other wolves charged, throwing themselves forward. I ducked and dashed under the Alpha wolf's belly as it leapt for me. My team broke apart, driven away by the flood of wolves.

As my friends were pulled away, the Alpha wolf landed in the snow, it's paws losing traction, skidding where we had just been. I crouched in the snow, my eyes wide. The Alpha glared at me.

We stared at eachother for a few minutes, before the wolf suddnely launched itself at me again. I dodged to the side, avoiding it's snapping jaws.

"Aww, c'mon," I whined, bringing up my sword to block a swipe from it's paw. "I was winning that staring contest!"

The wolf paused and snarled at me. Apparently, it hated begin accused of losing a staring contest. I shot a look over my shoulders and saw what my friends were doing.

Lukas had scrabbled onto a rock, and was shooting arrows at the crowd of wolves below his feet, and Ivor was standing beside him, chucking potions of harming onto the ground. Petra was on ground level, swinging and thrusting her sword as the pack swarmed her.

They began forcing her to back against a tree, and I saw her eyes widen as a small wolf lunged for her.


My call was cut off as I was tackled to the ground by the Alpha wolf, whom I had been silly enough to take my eyes off of. I landed on my back, dazed, as the wolf loomed over me.

It bared it's teeth and lunged for me. I brought my sword up and it grabbed hold of the blade, the sharp edges seemingly useless to it's teeth. I wrestled with the wolf, trying to keep the sword in it's mouth.


And arrow came whistling over my head and buried itself in the Alpha wolf's ear. It howled in pain and stumbled off of me, pawing at it's ear, trying to pull the arrow out. I scrabbled to my feet and snuck another look over my shoulder.

Lukas winked at me, firing off another round of arrows as the wolves snarled and snapped, jumping up to try and get at him and Ivor. 

Without hesitating, I sprinted towards Petra, who was getting absolutely swarmed by the pack of wolves.

I heard a low growl behind me as the Alpha wolf got to it's feet. It howled and bounded after me. I could hear it's massive paws pounding the snow behind me, feel it's putrid, hot breath.

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