The Giant's World - Part 2:

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Jesse's Point Of View

We all breathed a sigh of relief as we watched the tall creatures lumber off. Petra was the first to speak. "Well, looks like we made it into the temple." She said, "But where do we go now?" I looked around. The mansion appeared huge from the outside, and I was sure it was just as big on the inside. "Alright gang," I replied, "Let's split up. Who wants to go with who?" Petra and Ivor stepped away from eachother. Lukas saw this. "I'll go with Jesse and have a look upstairs. You two can search downstairs." They groaned at the knowledge of having to work together. Lukas smiled. "C'mon, Jesse." We walked up the stairs and left Petra and Ivor to sort out their differences.

There were lots of cobwebs, and Lukas lit a torch so that we could see where we were going. A musty smell filled my nostrils as we opened the first door. Lukas stood in the doorway, and held the torch above his head as I peered over his shoulder. "Nothing here. Just some old furniture and a few cobwebs. Jesse?" I shook as I looked over his head. A huge, white figure was gliding above him, glowing softly. It looked like a human, but there was no way a human could fly. Or glow. It was grinning horribly as it dangled over him. "Jesse? What is it?" I gulped. "Don't look now Lukas," I said, pointing at the figure, "But we've got company." He turned around and froze. Then the figure laughed and descended on Lukas. But he was too fast for it. In one, swift motion he had grabbed my hand and raced down the stairs, practically dragging me.

We screamed as we burst into the room, where Ivor and Petra had been snooping around some old bookcases. They looked up, startled, as Lukas and I tried to catch our breath. "What was that all about?" Petra asked. "Strange... white thing...floating above Lukas...glowing..." I tried to stammer. They looked at me in confusion for a few seconds. "I didn't get any of that at all." Ivor said. "What Jesse's trying to say is that some strange, white thing was gliding just above me. It was glowing and-"

"Do you think it was one of those ghost-things that Matthew was talking about?" Petra asked. "Well, whatever it was," I said, finally regaining my breath, "I don't want to see it ever again."


Dispite my wish to never see the ghost again, it kept appearing everywhere, and I soon learned it could move through solid objects. I was just considering removing an old painting (After all, that WAS a useful thing to do in the White Pumpkin's mansion) when the ghost suddenly stuck it's head through the painting. I jumped and yelped, before it seeped back through. I tore the painting off and smiled triumphantly only to find nothing but an old wall there.

Another time, it jumped out of a wardrobe at Lukas and I. We sprang backwards and slammed into a bookshelf. It toppled over and covered us in old books. When I looked back, the ghost was gone.

Once, Lukas was looking in an old chest when he was suddenly pushed in. The chest was locked and it took us half an hour to hear his cries for help. It took us twice as long to open it, since we weren't exactly redstone geniuses, and it seemed to be locked with some sort of enchantment. I thought it was just attacking Lukas and I, but I was wrong.

Petra was looking around the old kitchen when someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around to find no one there. Then someone tapped her again. And again. And again. "Alright, guys, this isn't funny." She called. "It's not us, whatever it is." I said, poking my head around the corner. "Oh." She replied.

Ivor was looking around the potions room when a harming one started floating around on it's own. Ivor ducked as it flew at him. "Ha, ha! You missed!" He teased, only to turn around and find twenty aimed for him. He ran, screaming, from the room.

Dispite these constant attacks on them, Petra and Ivor refused to think the ghost was real. They thought it was just Lukas and I playing tricks on them.

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