RAE X IAN~the first date

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I casually walked up to my crush, Ian. He grinned at me, knowing how I felt towards him. "hey Rae, can I ask you something?" He asked. I nodded excitedly, hoping this would be my moment.

We sat down on his couch and he looked me in the eye, his warm gray orbs gleaming in the fall light. "What was it, Ian?" I asked, "what did you want to ask me?" He placed a hand on mine and gripped it tightly. "Rae I like you a lot. Like, a lot. And I was wondering if well, you would go out with me?"

Holy shit.

I nodded profusely, saying yes 1 million times.

That night

Ian sat down next to me at the restaurant we went to. We began to discuss how the upcoming tour would go and what I'd be doing. The food came and we chatted a bit make before heading out.

We sat in his car and turned the radio on. He placed his warm hand on my thigh as he smiled at me. We slowly drifted closer together and before I knew it we were kissing. The car heated up along with our kiss as our lips changed pace and Ian slid his tongue into my mouth and practically against my throat. I dug my nails into his back as he slid his lips down to my collarbone, where he sucked until it bruised. After kissing for a few more minutes, we pulled apart, realizing we were in the parking lot.

He drove me home and give me one last kiss before leaving. I dreamt of him.

So I hope you guys liked it. I meant to post this forever ago. Sorry it's so short, love you.

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